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Michael Clifford

"She told you?" I asked as I felt a shot of jealousy.

"Yeah, but I don't know if that was Tristan or someone else," he shrugged.

"Oh," I said as I looked at Mitchy. "I just don't know what to do now," I sighed.

"Should I call Faith and tell her?" Luke asked.

"No- i'll do it myself," I said as I took out my phone from my jean pocket.

I dialled her number as my heart started pacing. All the boys were staring at me, the whole attention was on me. It rang and I tapped my foot on the floor, waiting for her to answer.

"Uh, hello?" I heard her voice from the other line, she sounded soft and scared.

"Hey, Faith," I said.

"Wait- Michael?" she gasped.

"It's me."

"Why are you calling me?" she asked. She didn't sound like the Faith I knew, the sassy one. She sounded like a soft, scared and innocent one.

"Look, I have to tell you something about Tristan-"

"You know him? Okay what the fu-"

"Before you say anything, I really just want you to try your best to get rid of him from your life," I sighed.

"Michael, you're making me really scared," she whispered.

"Don't worry babe, you'll be alright, okay?" I said as I cleared my throat. I realised I called her babe- and it sounded sincere. The boys shot up their heads as Calum smirked at me.

"What happened, Michael? I-i'm scared."

"Nothing bad happened, okay?" I sighed. "Well, Tristan was my best friend-"

"Holy mother of cows..."

"Yeah, what a small world, huh?" I chuckled humourlessly. "So, I met him just now and he told me that he was deeply in love with you-"

"Jerk, jerk, jerk," she whispered.

"He's an asshole, for sure," I scoffed. "And, he told me that he abused you and cheated on you-" I said but stopped when I heard Faith sobbing. "Faith, don't cry, oh my god, please," I pleaded.

I was worried, I was scared if I hurt her. I didn't want her to think about the past and get scared. I didn't want that to happen to her.

"Michael, i'm scared, I-I don't know what to do, h-help," she cried, she was sobbing hard and my heart dropped.

"I'm coming to your house, now," I said and ended the call.

All of their jaws dropped when I said that. I knew they were curious to know what Faith said and I knew they couldn't believe I actually wanted to drive all the way there just for a girl.

I was always the person who they couldn't really rely on. I was always that person who wouldn't really help and I was always that person who was always lazy to do things, even for my own mates.

But now, when suddenly I would drive around a half an hour just to calm a girl down, they knew- I knew, I was completely in love.

Is that crazy?

I quickly walked in my car and drove quite fast. I wasn't speeding badly, though. After impatiently driving, I finally arrived at her house. I walked quickly towards her door and rang the doorbell, waiting for someone to open it. A minute later, the door opened, revealing Faith's mom.

"Hello, Mrs. Elliot," I said with a fake smile as I tried to hide the worried look that was on my face.

"Michael! Oh dear, come in," she said with a warm smile, opening the door bigger for me to walk in.

"Thank you," I said. "Um, i'm actually here to look for Faith," I smiled.

"Alright, i'll call her, sit down first alright?" she said, and walked up the stairs.

I took a seat on the fluffy couch and stared at the wall quietly. I really wanted to know if Faith was okay or not- wait of course she wasn't. She was hurt, how could she be fine?

"Michael, hunny," I heard her mom said, while her footsteps were heard as she walked down the stairs.

"Yes?" I said and cleared my throat as I shook away my thoughts.

"Faith wants you to come up, she said she doesn't feel like going downstairs, sorry," she said with a smile. "Her room is the last on the left by the way."

"It's alright, Mrs. Elliot, i'm fine with that," I said as I started to make my way upstairs.

I walked towards the left and found her door room, there was a wooden piece with her name written on it, hanged on the door. I knocked on it slowly as I heard her mumble "come in." I opened it and saw Faith cuddling with her pillows everywhere.

"Hey..." I said softly and sat on the edge of her bed. She turned to her side and looked at me.

"You actually came," she whispered.

"Of course! You think I would just ditch you? Like that stupid piece of-"

"Okay, Michael," she chuckled and sat up. "Thanks for coming, really," she said with a sincere smile.

"No prob, Faith. You really need some cheering up and help about Tristan-"

"Yeah, about him, uh he called me today and told me about you," she sighed. "I didn't believe a single thing he said."

"What did he say?" I asked curiously.

"He said I need to stay away from you cause you're dangerous, that's just stupid, isn't it? Honestly, you're nice and I appreciate that," she smiled.

I smiled warmly at the words she told me. She actually thought I was nice and I felt like the burden on my chest was lifted. I was happy she actually started accepting me as a friend. I want us to forget the past, about me kidnapping her.

"I'm just scared because you know, Tristan is a person who couldn't be challenged and I sorta challenged him by telling him to prove wether he was better than me or not," I said and sighed. "And I knew he was gonna prove it by making you fall back for him- oh and uh please don't be mad if I say this..."

"Why?" Faith asked, her facial expression was filled with worry and stress. She was pursing her lips, squeezing her eyes, to stop the tears from coming out and her thumbs were playing with each other.

"I- uh- I accidentally said that I was your... b-boyfriend..." I said softly and looked down at the palm of my hands.

"What?! Michael!" She gasped and covered her mouth with her right hand. "Why?" She whispered.

"It was the only thing that dashed to my mind when Tristan was getting on my nerves about you... I had to lie, Faith. I had to say that so Tristan would know someone is protecting you." I sighed.

"That would just make him feel worse, Michael," she said. "God, what have you done?" she whispered.

"I know it's my fault, Faith i'm sorry- so sorry," I said. "I promise you, i'll protect you from him."

"I don't think so I can trust you."

"But, who else is gonna protect you?" I said.









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