After Spitball

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After Sebastian had been attacked by a spitball he didn't really talk to anybody, when the school day ended he hung out on his bed instead of in the common room with all of his friends. Of course everybody knew why he didn't feel like hanging out with anybody, everybody but Andres, that is.

Andres had been hanging out with Tip and the other flyers at lunch, he had no idea that Sebastian had been bullied by Miller and his friends. Because he didn't know he was concerned, he was also angry that nobody in the class seemed to care that Sebastian didn't seem okay.

"Hey guys, do you know where Sebastian is?" Andres decided to strike up a conversation with the other UDM kids

Marigold was the one who responded, "He's probably asleep right now."

"Ah, alright, can somebody give me my brickpack?"

Elliott grabbed Andres' brickpack and pulled Andres down by his leash so he could reach it. Once Andres pulled on his bag he headed toward their room. Once he got there he carefully knocked on the door to see if Sebastian was actually awake. He heard a very soft "Come in." From the other side of the door, he opened the door to see Sebastian wearing his blindfold, which was soaked with tears.

"Sebastian! Are you alright? I've seen you barely at all today."


"Wh-what? Did I do this?"

"No, no it's not your fault, it-it's mostly min-mi-mine" he continued crying even harder.

"Hey, hey, can I give you a hug?" Sebastian nodded,"Alright, I'm here now, do you mind explaining what happened?"

"Well, um, when you were off eating lunch with, with Tip and and the others M-Miller and his friends thee a-a-a spit ball at me and they... they called me Names, and and Miller said that I was, he-he said I was a waste of space."

"Don't listen to them. You know all they wanna do is get a rise out of us. Miller is mean and doesn't want to admit you were right when you saw him pee in the pool. I can understand why they'd be upset that they couldn't do much, but I also understand why you're upset that they're being very mean about it. You deserved the win, your magic is perfect for these kinds of things."

"Everybody else sure thinks it's not useful for anything, and they're right. What outside of some silly game could my magic be used for? Huh? It only harms me and puts me in the way of others. Maybe Miller was right, maybe I am a waste of space."

"Come on, don't think like that! You aren't a waste of space at all! And if you're thinking about real life circumstances where you're magic might come in handy, maybe think about what Bax talks about, y'know with his mom's work? I'm sure flickers turn themselves invisible for their schemes, you could find them! Well if that's the line of work you'd like? I'm sure there are other super cool things you'll be able to see with your magic though! Like, what if you saw one of the owls on Big Night? Oh, I'm rambling, sorry, is it too much?"

"You're okay, Andres. I can't see the soundwaves right now. Anyways, Big Night Owls don't exist. You know that, there's not any scientific explanation for them, they're just made up for stories. Even if I could see them, what benefits would come of it. Say they do exist, and I do see one. If Miller or Lacey or Rune or anybody else heard that I had seen one, they'd call me out for lying, that's just how it happens."

"You know we'll believe you, right? Do you really need some random kid who pees in the school pool to like you? Sure, he was absolutely rude about it, but do you really believe what he says? I know it's hard to ignore comments like that, but I just want you to know I'll be here for y-"

"But you weren't. You were off with Tip and the other Sage kids."

"Oh. I'm sorry I wasn't there to stand up to Miller, he sounds like a jerk, and I wasn't there for you." Andres pulled Sebastian closer for another hug, after a few minutes Sebastian had fallen asleep on Andres' shoulder. Carefully, Andres let Sebastian lie down, and gave him a blanket. He left the room to go get a glass of water for when Sebastian woke up. When he came back he noticed that the wet blindfold mustn't have been comfy, so he went back out into the common room to see if he could find a sleep mask. He went to Willa first.

"Hey, Willa? Do you have a sleep mask?"

"I don't but I think Marigold does, what for?"

"For Sebastian."

"Ooh, yeah, you could see if Marigold has one with her."

"Alright," Andres walked off to find Marigold when he bumped into Nurse Riley, "Oh! Hey, do you happen to have a sleep mask? I was thinking it might be nice for Sebastian to have one, at least while he's here."

"You know what? I actually do! I'll grab it and give it to him."

"I can bring it to him, he's actually asleep right now." And with that Nurse Riley walked off and returned a moment later with a sleep mask in hand. Andres walked back to their room and carefully took off the blindfold and put on the sleep mask, hoping it wouldn't cause any sensory issues when he wakes up. Andres went to sleep soon after, hoping Sebastian would be alright in the morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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