Just another day

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It was just another day. John got up that morning with something bothering him, it wasn't the dream he had that night that was bothering him. He wasn't quite sure what was bothering him. He hopped in the shower and still continued to think about what could be bothering him.

He when he was finished and all ready for school he walked downstairs to the kitchen. His mother was just setting table for breakfast when he sat down. His mother noticed that something was bothering him. "What's wrong John?" She asked. "I'm not quite sure what it is. To be honest." He quickly started eating his breakfast. His father put down as newspaper and watched him eat for a moment before speaking. "John, I know you have a big responsibility with your powers and as I quote from Spiderman: "With great power comes great responsibility." John nodded has he finished up his breakfast. This was the same speech he got every morning. It had truth but it was kind if getting annoying. In fact whenever his father talked to him he quoted Spiderman maybe it was his father's way of mentoring him. He just nodded respectfully and moved on.
Alex woke up late, as usual. She knew the bus would be passing by her house any minute. She jumped out of bed and threw her clothes on. She walked over to her desk and saw her notebook open. She had been stalking...No observing John. He always wore those red tinted aviators and never took them off. At least whenever she saw him. In this notebook were her observations and lists of reason why he would wear the sunglasses. She'd only come up with three ideas.
1. Medical condition
2. Recovering from eye surgery (you know the kind that of surgery where you use to wear glasses and now you don't want them and you get this surgery?)
3. He hated the sun.

I mean for number three she understood but seriously she had know John since kindergarten and he had the same glasses on even now. She'd have to work on some better reasons later. She looked at her alarm clock. Five minutes?! I'll work on it in the bus. No time for breakfast, maybe a handful of cereal or a fruit. She hated both but that was her consequences for sleeping in too late. She put her notebook into her backpack and found her homework folder under it. She opened it and wanted to cry. She stayed up all night watching tv with her parents and didn't do her homework. I'll do that first then if I don't get my ideas done I can do it at lunch. She peeked into her parents room and found them still asleep. Oh well. She grabbed an apple and ran out the door straight to the bus stop.
The school bus drove by his house to stop at the bus stop a ways down the street. John stood up as he heard the bus drive by. He kissed mother goodbye and walked out the door.

John was a special young man. When he was just a little boy he went was dumpster diving. His mother had accidentally thrown away one of his favorite toys and he was determined to find it again. After a few hours his mother found him the dumpster which turned out to be a vat of toxic waste. As the weeks went on he found out that he had a superpower from this accident. He had laser vision. He had to wear sunglasses to control him from letting his laser shoot out and ruin any everything in sight. He was made fun of all the time but deep down he knew the real reason why he wore them. Even now he still didn't have quite enough control on his power to be without the sunglasses but he hoped one day he would not have to wear them and turn could off is laser powers whenever he wanted.

He soon made it to the bus stop and the doors of the bus opened. He was the first walk in behind him where a line of other fellow students. He went to the back of the bus where he could be less noticed by his bullies.

Alex walked on the bus she noticed John sitting alone again. She walked to the back of the bus and sat next to him quietly. She set her backpack next to her and pulled out a book.

She knew that he wore the glasses all the time and was made fun of for it all the time and she knew there was a reason. But yet at the same time she wondered why. She didn't have the courage to ask him but maybe she could casually knock them off one time and find out the real reason. But no matter what she would be the one to find out what the secret was and why he kept the glasses on.

The bus drove along and after 30 minutes of a bus ride they arrived at the school.

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