From bad to worse

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John decided to walk home that day after school. He soon found out that was not a very good idea. As he walked down the alleyways toward his home, someone grab him from behind. He spun around with his hand with glasses.

Mind Freak. Why did he have to be him. He had fought him twice already this week. What more could he really want? He obviously didn't want to fight, what could possibly want? He put his hand to his glasses. "Oh wait before you take off your glasses I do have something to tell you. As you guessed I'm not here to fight you today. But I'm here to warn you. I've been listening to your thoughts and I know that something bothering you." John raised an eyebrow. "Why do you care?" Mind Freak laughed loudly. "How can fight you if someone else it making you miserable." Mind Freak smiled slyly. "As you know I also get the thoughts of other people and there was a girl about your age." He chuckled and he walked as close as he dared to John. John's mind raced as he thoughts of the girls he knew, oh wait he didn't know any. "She has been coming up with ideas of why you were those sunglasses." He laughed again. "And she's getting close." John raised his fist. "Who is it?!" Mind Freak smiled. He pointed to a building and disappeared.

John didn't care right now. He knew that while his mind was distracted Mind Freak would leave him and the city alone. He walked over to the building that Mind Freak was pointing to. He didn't see anything special about it, so he left. Now he knew what was bothering him. Mind Freak was right, there was one girl who wasn't afraid of him and his glasses, but he couldn't remember who it was.

When he reached home he found his dad was still gone and his mother reading on the living room couch. He threw his backpack on the couch and sat down next to her. His mother closed the book. "Who was your day?" John's smiled at her brightly. "Good until I fought with Mind Freak again." Mrs. Black smiled. "Again? Still haven't found his weakness?" John shook his head.

John's job was the city's superhero. Since he worked for the city, he got paid pretty good. The city made him a cool costume then, boom, all of these villains came out of no where. He carried a special needle with him from the mayor. It would extract the powers of the villain and they would destroy it, then from there the men would go to jail. It was cause catastrophe if they saved it for themselves. They'd think they are using it for good but in the end we'd find it didn't. John knew it oils never happen. He watched it happened once with the last mayor, he's in jail now. They had to destroy him with the help of some other heroes that are forgotten now. He'd hadn't seen them in forever. He assumed they'd only come out for important things. But without them he felt like a lonely freak.

He brought his mind back to the present moment. "I will find it though." His mother patted him on the back. "That's the spirit. Well I'm going to go check on your older brothers. They are making dinner tonight." She laughed. "Do your homework." She pointed to his backpack and John nodded.

He pulled out his homework and laid on his lap. He was just grabbing his pencil when a thought flashed through his mind. He didn't like but he knew it was the only way. He'd date every girl that had every given him the time of day. I mean he didn't mean to scare everyone but some how he did and the glasses didn't help. This might be quicker then he thinks, if the girls don't except his date then it's not the right girl.

His thoughts were interrupted by his mother calling his name. He answered and looked down at his homework. Dang, he got distracted again. Oh well he'd finish after dinner.

John had two twin brothers. They were going to a local college while still living at home. Unlike John they were normal adult men. To make things easier on their father, mother, and John they helped make a lot of the meals. They came up with the wackiest creations. They'd take normal meals and add weird ingredients to it. Most of the time John skipped meals because of this.

After dinner John finished his homework and chores, he went to bed early.


Alex walked home too. Unlike John she had a safe and quiet walk home. When she made it home she changed and brought her homework to the kitchen table.

Alex usually came home to a quiet home. Alex's parents and two older brothers worked all day and most of the night. So eating dinner alone didn't bother Alex. While she ate, she did her homework.

Today she'd have no distractions since her parents had to work. They had days off but they were once a week and random. They changed every week. When she finished she pulled out her notebook on her observations of John.

She opened to the page where she left off. She clicked open her pen and began to write.

4. Super powers

She looked at the paper when she finished writing and laugh. She sounded crazy. But hey it was an idea, if she ever had the courage to asked him, she imagined them laughing about it.


Far away deep inside MindFreaks evil lair, he hear her laugh and started to laugh with her but more like laughing at John. He'd have to warn John with a little trouble, soon he'd be able to cause bigger trouble when his mind is clear.

Still laugh Mind Freak changed and ran out the door. When he was above ground he walked slowly to the bank.When he reached the bank he broke the glass on the door and walked in. The alarm began to screech loudly. He walked straight for the vault.

He put a finger to the side of his head and the vault swung open. He walked inside. He picked up a few stacks of bills and a few gold bars. He laid them on the ground side by side. He put his finger to his head again and the gold and bills rose in the air. They spun around and around.

Suddenly a team of police officers with their guns came burst into the bank. Mind Freak laughed loudly, throwing his head back. He calmed down a bit and with his free hand he used his powers to push the officers backwards. They all landed on their backs with a thud. With the free hand Mind Freak kept them down in the ground.


John woke up suddenly with his danger senses screaming at him. He jumped up and changed. He left a note on his bed just in case and left the house in pursuit of his enemy.

When he reached

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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