Chapter 5

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The movie was over since 20 minutes and we just layed there. I looked away and buried my face in his chest almost the whole movie because I was scared.
"This movie was so scary" I said in a tired voice.
"How the fuck can you know, you looked away the whole time"
"Don't be mean. I was scared"
"I'm sorry. It's just really funny for me"

He knows that I hate horror movies so I was a little annoyed and didn't say anything. He probably noticed that and pulled me a little closer to him. We were cuddling now.

Suddenly he pushed me a little bit away, looked me in the eyes and said
"Look. You know I'm always here for you and you can talk to me about everything. So please tell me what happened to your eye. And before you say it doesn't matter, it does to me. I'm really worried. You know that you can trust me" with a deep and protective voice.
I was shocked because I didn't expect to hear something like this.

"But if I tell you, promise me not to get mad" I didn't know if I should tell him the truth because I know he would freak out and would try to talk to my dad. But when he nodded I started to explain

"Well, you know that I usually don't get bad grades but I got an F in history.. And when I told it my parents my dad started to get mad. He yelled at me. When he called me stupid I started to defend myself. And then.. He.. He hit me. I immediately left the house and went to the park. And then I called you..."

I was so scared for his reaction. But everything he did was hug me tight and tell me

"Everything is going to be fine. I'll study with you and try to help. I promise. And you can stay here for a while.. That way you don't have to see your dad. My parents and Cameron will be okay with it. You know that they like you. It will be okay."

I started to tear up a little but I don't think he noticed. I pushed him back and looked him in the eyes for a bit. I was pretty tired so I asked him if we could sleep. He nodded and we layed down. We were facing each other said "Goodnight" and I turned arund and tried to sleep.

A few minutes later he pulled me closer to him. Really close..

He burried his face in my neck and gave it a kiss. I didn't know what to do so I just pretended like I was sleeping. But he kissed my neck again. And again. And again. It felt kind of good but wrong at the same time. I mean.. we are best friends.. I pushed myself away from him and made it look like I was moving in my sleep. He moved closer to me again. But we were just cuddling now and fell asleep after a little.

My best friends brotherWhere stories live. Discover now