Chapter 26 Kaiya's Decision & Second Goodbye

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It had Been Three Hours Since The Ccg Agents Had Came To the Cafe  Anteiku, they had offer Kaiya a place in their organization.

The ccg was a special force of humans who hunt down ghouls and capture them they used the ghouls leftover power to make powerful weapons by using the weapons to make Them stronger,

Ken was very much against it Since he knew that the Ccg was going to make Kaiya join them by mentioning her inability to protect her parents,

Ken felt very sicken by the agency possibly using his girlfriend for their own sick little game.

{{Later that night At Kaiya's home}} Ken was sitting on the bed, He was reading his favorite book; but sadly despite his eyes being in the book. He could really concentrate on the words,

Kaiya was in the bathroom next to the bed;

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