Gentle Persuasion ; Shun Mizushima

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Growing up I never liked myself much. I had a boys names and even now I was practically flat-chested.
I've always been very insecure, even if I don't show it. It even caused me to give up on our school's swim team despite my best friend's protests.
I began swimming alone, on my own time without anyone around except maybe them.
I didn't have a reason to swim besides the water seemed to clear my mind, and I always loved the feeling of winning when we did races.
Two of my best friends, Sora and Yuki, always told me that for such a small girl I was probably one of the fastest swimmers they knew, which was strange coming from Yuki as she has seen her older brother, Makoto, swim with his friends before and Haruka Nanase seems to be one of the best out there.
I doubt I could beat him, but one day I would love to try.

"Mizu-Chan!" Michi and Yuki shouted, waving and running into the shoe lockers towards me, Michi's short pink hair and Yuki's brunette twintails flowing behind them as they nearly tripped all over the place to get to me.
When we became best friends the agreement was if they wanted to add "chan" to the end of my name they'd never call me "Shun", but my last name. Like I mentioned earlier I hate my name. Who names their daughter Shun?
Then again, my brother Aoi and all of my friend' s have unisex names as well.
"Yes?" I asked as the two caught their breath, leaning against the shoe locker's from being in such a hurry.
"We have the best idea!" Michi said exuberantly, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling. Oh great, they're up to something again.
"My brother and his friend's started a swim club last year and-" Yuki glanced anxiously over to Michi and they finished together. "We think we should all join together, like the good old days!"
I stared at them blankly and sighed, closing the small locker. I hated turning them down when they were so lively but it was the only choice. Joining the team would mean I would have to wear a swimsuit around boys and our competitors at the competition, also the large crowds would see me. I didn't want that at all, really.
"I'm sorry, no." I told them calmly, unable to make eye contact and slinging my bag over my shoulder, exiting the school.

* * *

I tapped my pencil against my lip as I stared at the homework in front of me.
I couldn't stop thinking about earlier. The girls seemed so ecstatic and I probably crushed them. Or maybe not, they'd probably continue at trying to convince me tomorrow or until I end up giving in. I don't see why they need me on the team, they'd be perfectly fine without me on it.

There was a light knock on the door downstairs, pulling me out of thought. I set my pencil down and went to see who it was since I was home alone with my parents out on date night. It was probably one of the girls anyways, the question was which one?
I jogged downstairs and to the door, opening it to reveal Sora. Her blonde ponytail swayed in the wind and her sky blue eyes seemed to sparkle.
I had to look up at her because of our height difference and she greeted me with a soft smile.
"Hey, Mizu-chan!" She waved and I stepped aside to help her in.
"Sora." I acknowledged, leading her towards the kitchen where we usually talk when she stops by. Chances were she probably came to talk me into swimming with them, and of course that also means Michi and Yuki put her up to it with her being the easiest to persuade.
I made the two of us tea and set it down in front of her on the small table and sat across from her.
"Why'd you come here, Sora?" I asked, watching as she took a sip of her tea. She seemed kind of startled by my question, nearly spilling it on herself.
"Something tells me you already know." She guessed shyly looking at the table with this look she's famous for. The look that always gets me thinking more or even agreeing. I sighed and rested my face against my hand.
"You want me to consider joining the team?" I inquired, raising an eyebrow.
Sora bit her lip and twisted her ponytail around her index finger.
"Well, I just don't think you should turn it down right off the bat, you know? You always do that, Mizu-chan and I think because of that you're missing out on great opportunities." she explained innocently and seemed more comfortable now that she'd gotten it out of the way. I took a few moments to let it sink in. Sora was right, as much as I hated admitting it. I always jumped to conclusions and turned things down right away without really considering it. Though, I didn't quite see why joining a swim team with them again was such a great opportunity I'd be missing out on.
"I get where you're coming from." I finally responded and she perked up, her blue eyes coming alive as if she'd won me over. "I just see the point of joining." I shrugged and Sora sagged against the table, expelling a deep sigh.
"You're hopeless." she mumbled and I tried not to take it to offense. "Don't you get it? We want to spend time with you and have fun and just be together, making worthwhile high school memories! There's no point without you." she went on and pouted at the end. I stared at her silently for a minute or two and she stared back such a hopeful look at could feel myself cracking.
"I..." I trailed off meaning to finish the sentence but no words came. Suddenly, Sora stood up.
"Just think about it." She told me before showing herself out.

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