Chap. 40

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A blast sent him flying a few meters away, a burning heat invading his back. As he came back to his senses, although dazed by the impact, he frantically looked around. Flames surrounded the clearing and the tree, once a flourishing palace, was now a giant ball of flames and smoke within the dark forest.

Mate... must protect... mate...

He spotted the limp body of a Wolf on the ground and quickly ran up to it, feeling his heart sank as he recognized her. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing but there was a deep cut in her neck which had created a pool of blood. He could feel his own fur curl under the heat of the fire and knew he had to act quickly if he wanted to save her.

Must protect... mate...

Gently, he scooped her lifeless body into his arm and headed deep into the forest, away from the village and it's carnage. As he ran, pain began to surge through his exhausted body and he almost tripped over rocks and roots. Luckily, he was able to keep his balance and made sure she wasn't hurt. Eventually, he felt too exhausted to continue and found a large cave to settle in. Once he made sure it wasn't already taken, he made his way into the stone wall cave and gently settled his mate onto the ground. He was surprised to find out she had turned back into her human form, exposing her delicate body in plain sight.

He froze, as the itch from before returned... he gazed at her fragile form and admired every part of it. Gently, he turned her so she'd lay on her side facing him allowing him to check on the wound in her neck. The bleeding had stopped but the wound was still fresh and visible.

Unwillingly, his eyes averted upwards to her chin, then to her lips and he grazed a gentle paw against her cheek.

Ava... I'm sorry...

Unable to withstand the pain any longer, his legs folded beneath his weight and he collapsed into the ground, but curled himself protectively around Ava while his mind slipped away.


I came back to my senses shrouded in darkness, confused and frozen to my core. My entire body was numb but I couldn't tell if it was from the cold or the pain.

Hell, it was most likely both.

I pushed myself up but my body instantly retaliated with a wave of pain and a dreadful migraine. Once again, my skin felt irritated as if it had been stretched to its limits, almost to the point of being ruptured. The throbbing headache blurred my vision, so it took some time to get my thoughts straight. I gazed around, assessing the situation. It seemed I had found refuge in a stone cave of some sort, which protected me from the wind, but the cold still managed to enter and freeze my balls off.

When I looked around, my hand grazed onto something to my left. As I gazed down, I realized there was a women laid down beside me, unconscious. Well, well, well; looks like I got myself a pretty one last- hold on...

"SHIT!!" I jolted up, suddenly recognizing the girl as the Omega. I backed up, tumbled on my feet and fell back on my ass, starring at the girl with a disgusted grin.

What the fuck happened last night!? Did we-? No, there's no way- I... was I drunk? Then, how the hell did I get here...? No, it can't be that... but, she doesn't have anything on her... shit, neither do I... wait, where's the pack? Weren't we at camp?

My migraine intensified at the amount of question invading my mind and I shook them away. I couldn't remember anything from last night but I don't smell any booze on me... Yet I'm alone with the Omega, in a cave, freezing my ass off...

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, uncertain how to take this all in.

Mate... the voice of my Wolf almost startled me as I had completely forgot it was still around. I sighed. Finally decided to talk, eh? My words seemed to fall on deaf ears since it's attention was completely focused onto the unconscious girl.

Shit... is she breathing...?

Realizing I hadn't checked if she was still alive, I hobbled over to her and checked out for any signs of life. I wasn't about to press my head onto her chest but I did lean my head to her mouth and squeezed her wrist for a pulse. I relieved my Wolf's worries since I caught a pulse and felt her breath blow onto my face. But holy shit she was pale and her heartbeat is really weak...

Mate. Protect. My Wolf insisted, blurring my thoughts.

I told it to shut up, but the mutt once again ignored my words. So, unable to think of an alternative, I did the first thing that came into mind; start a fire. That'a warm me up. Without a second to waste, I headed outside and gathered all the sticks and moss I could find, alongside a few logs. It took a few tries, but I was able to light up a spark and by nightfall, I could already feel the heat of the flames warm my body.

Still too bad I didn't have any clothes to put on...

I sat by the fire for I don't know how long, but it felt like an eternity. At least I was able to recollect my thoughts after everything that's happened and I tried to come up with a logical explanation over what could've possibly happened last night... come to think of it, I don't even know how long it's been since I was last conscious...

Despite the soothing darkness of nightfall, I was unable to bring myself to fall asleep. Too many thoughts clouded my mind, keeping me awake. I turned my attention back to the girl, noticing she had regained a bit of color but her breathing was still shallow. I frowned; unless she wakes up soon, I might as well just leave her here; she's only going to slow me down and I have a title to claim. I already felt my Wolf's growl as he protested against the idea but I shunned him down.

They never should've rescued her in the first place...


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