Ch. 1 Wedding Proposal

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David was currently running the camp, campers at the activities field while he and Gwen both watched them. Max was of course off doing whatever with Nikki and Neil. David smiled, he was quite happy with this life, it suited him. Something seemed a little off, most men around his age would've been married by now yet here he is, unmarried and running a camp. David didn't mind it though- but he was worried about what others may say.

David's thoughts were interrupted by Gwen yelling at one of the other campers for trying to launch Space Kid to Spooky Island again. He let out a sigh, running over to stop the other kids from launching the poor Space boy. Space Kid however was yelling "SPACEEE!" While struggling to get free from David's arms. "No Space Kid- you're gonna get hurt!" David argued with the child as he finally set Space Kid down at his own camp area. David must've looked stressed because next thing he knew Gwen was walking up to him with a slight concerned expression on her face

"David.. maybe you should go for a walk or even nap for all I care, it would do you some good to take a small break from the campers," Gwen told David while gently guiding him back to the counselor's cabin. David was confused but didn't argue, he never liked arguing with Gwen and she usually had his best interests at heart. "Thanks Gwen for looking out for me.." David thanked her with a quick hug. Gwen just gently pushed the man away, "yea yea whatever just get yourself away from the campers for a bit, I'll watch them" She offered a smile before leaving to go back to the kids.

Currently at another part of the woods was a messy looking man. He had a beard- well more stubble than anything, a red dirty hoodie, and a tired non caring look about him. The name of this man was Kevin, or also known as Dirty Kevin. Currently he was running away from the city since he was being chased for his drugs. Yep he sells drugs uses drugs, whatever gets him money right? Dirty Kevin had stopped running a while ago and was panting hard while doubled over, a hand on a tree for support. "Fuck- I need to exercise more-" he was able to wheeze out.

Back to the counselor's cabin, David had decided it would be best he took a walk. Nature always calmed him down when he was in a particularly bad mood. He went into the cabin to grab a few things for his walk, some granola bars of course and water. He was all set and ready for this walk! He was honestly excited, he loved seeing how nature changed without him staring at it all the time. David walked out of the cabin and made his way to his favorite trail in the woods. He was lightly humming a camp song as he walked down this trail, fallen leaves crunching under his boots.

Dirty Kevin stopped wheezing and quickly stood up straight as he heard footsteps from afar. "Aw shit.." he mumbled as he hauled ass into a tree. Kevin wasn't in too good shape but he was not about to be caught, he eventually got up onto a tall branch as he heard footsteps get closer. Dirty Kevin tried to keep his breathing quiet, but that climbing really took a lot out of him. He peered around the leaves to see who was even walking out here right now. As he looked he thought he must've seen an angel.. because who the fuck is this beautiful man that dares walk past? He instantly knew what he had to do.

Dirty Kevin checked his hoodie pockets, finding a small box and pulling it out to check the inside. Inside it was a dirty but still in good condition ring, perfect for the man he laid eyes on. He of course slightly knew who the redhead was, but never caught his name. David was oblivious to what was happening and kept humming as he walked, admiring the beautiful nature that surrounded him. It truly put his stress as ease, calming him so. Soon he heard a 'THUMP' nearby- thinking it was a wolf he just whined as he quickly looked in the direction. He was still deeply terrified of wolves after.. well he decided to hurry down the trail.

David soon realized there was another sound of footsteps near him, who could be out here right now? David silently hoped it wasn't Daniel as he slowly looked behind himself. Instead of Daniel.. he saw a man in a red dirty hoodie. He of course had only seen this man once or twice, not fully knowing who or what he wanted. Dirty Kevin just had a smile on his face, not his usual smirk no, a genuine smile. "Heya sorry for uh, scaring you but I just.. wanted to do somethin' " Dirty Kevin stated a little nervously as he held the ring box in his hand in his hoodie pocket. "O-oh.. what is it? Misterrr-" David questioned the mans name. "Oh yea I'm Kevin, or Dirty Kevin whichever sounds better and I was wonderin' if you could.." Dirty Kevin just got down on one knee.

David was confused and flattered, but this man hadn't even known his name! "I-I'm flattered Kevin but you don't even know my name," He informed the kneeling man. "Well if knowing your name is all that it takes to marry you why don't you tell me it?" Dirty Kevin asked as he pulled the ring box out. "Well.. I'm David," David said a little unsure about this marriage thing since they barely know each other, but it couldn't be bad.. it's worked out for other people. "So I must ask again sweetheart, will you marry me?" Dirty Kevin asked again while holding out the open ring box.

David was blushing, he looked at the ring. Though it didn't matter to him how the ring looked, it just mattered to him that someone loved him. "Yes, of course I'll marry you Kevin," David excitably agreed.

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