Schools Out!

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"Yes!" she said "SCHOOLS OUT".

Anna had just checked her school website and just saw the emergency announcement that was just posted. In big letters on the computer screen said EMERGENCY: ALL SCHOOLS WILL BE CLOSED TOMORROW.

She was so happy that she didn't have to present her project tomorrow. She immediately stopped practicing and editing her speech and then called her friend Rachel.

"Hello?" "Hi Rachel" "Oh, hi Anna" "Did you see?" "See what?" "That school is cancelled" "oh that" "why arnt you happy, we don't have to get up early" "I can't find my mom, she's not here" "well maybe she is running an errand" "nope, she won't answer her phone and she hasn't been home since I got home from school." "Well you want to come here and talk about it?" "Nah, how about you come here" "Um, sure. Let me ask my mom".

Anna put down the phone to go ask her mom.

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