You Made Me Happy 😊❤️

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* you sat in your room, helpless, you've been depressed since childhood. Your parents abandoned you, you had no friends, and most of the time you were bullied. You lived alone in an apartment, you were forced to work at 13 to pay for rent, you didn't want to, but you had no family supporting you. You are now 21 and still depressed nothing made you happy anymore. You were out of tears, and hope. You planned to overdose outside, you took the pills and went outside to receive your fate, it was raining and you were in a dress, you were cold but you didn't care you walked down the street in the rain and started feeling dizzy until someone came up to you. *

??: Hey? Are you okay? Why are you out here without an umbrella?

Y/n: I-

* before you could answer you fainted, all you could see was black. "Did I make it?", well you didn't you started seeing a light and woke up in a hospital. *

??: You're awake!

Y/n: Huh? What? I didn't die?!

??: Umm, did you want to die?

Y/n: Maybe...

??: What?! Why?!

Y/n: Why do you care, no one cares about me...

??: Maybe I can change that.

Y/n: What? I don't even know your name.

??: It's jimin. Park jimin. I'm 22.

Y/n: Ok, I'm Lee y/n. I'm 21.

Jimin: Ok y/n, why did you want to die?

Y/n: I had depression.

Jimin: Is that why the doctors said you survived an overdose?

Y/n: yeah I've tried alot of times. It never works.

Jimin: Don't overdose, I suffered from depression too, my family and friends left me.

Y/n: Oh I'm sorry. The same thing happened to me.

Jimin: But maybe you could change that?

Y/n: Huh? What? Me? I'm not good eno-

Jimin: Please, I want you to be happy, I want to be happy!

Y/n: O-Ok I'll try.

* jimin holds your hand tightly and smiles, you smiled back. It felt good, you haven't smiled in years. Once the doctors give you a clear jimin takes you home. *

Y/n: Can you stay?

Jimin: Sure, I don't have anyone but you really.

Y/n: Thank you, you can sleep next to me. I haven't cuddled anybody since I was 10.

Jimin: *laughs* Ok.

* you fall asleep. You've never felt this happy before. You've never felt more loved before. You and jimin stayed together for 5 months now, jimin has moved in with you and you guys we're more happy together, you got friends and good jobs. You guys we're a happy couple and it was clear you moved on from the past, so did jimin. Until one day something changed. *

Jimin's POV

* I woke up early this morning to make pancakes, today was y/n's birthday! Once I finished cooking I waited for y/n to wake up she usually wakes up at 1:00 PM but she didn't wake up so I had to shake her up. *

Y/n: Sorry jimin, I don't feel well right now Maybe I'll feel better if I rest.

Jimin: Ok, but eat first.

* I fed y/n the pancakes and meet her rest it's been an hour later and I hear a thud upstairs. I ran as quick as I can to check on y/n, when I got there she was on the floor. With tears in her eyes. *

Y/n's POV

Y/n: Jimin... I don't feel good, Im really cold, and everything hurts, I can't stand up.

Jimin: Ok I'll get you to a hospital!

Jimin's POV

* I took her to the hospital, she looked so pale, I was sitting down waiting for the results and the doctor came. *

Doc: Are you Mr. Jimin?

Jimin: Yes.

Doc: Oh well, we have very bad news for you.

Jimin: What?! What's happening to her?!

Doc: She has an illness that cause her blood to dry up slowly.

Jimin: What?! Can I see her?!

Doc: Yes. She's in room 208.

Jimin: Ok, thank you doc.

* I can't believe it, was I really gonna lose the love of my life, my happiness? I got to y/n's room and went in, I slowly grabbed her hand holding it tightly which caused her to wake up, her skin was so pale, and she felt cold. *

Y/n: Jimin...

Jimin: Yes?

Y/n: I want you to be happy when I die. I want you to meet someone who loves you like I do, who cares for you like I do. I want you to find a woman that won't leave your side unlike me.

Jimin: What are you saying? You're not gonna die, no one will ever replace you!

Y/n: I'm not a fighter Jimin but I try for us, I know I will lose because I'm not strong enough for this, I was never strong enough, and I want you to know before I die... That I love you, I love you so much Jimin.

Jimin: I love you too y/n.

* After I said that you loosened you're grip on my hand, your lips grew pale and you grew colder the machines starts to beep and then like that one long beep. *


* The doctors made me wait outside while they did surgery on you, I was crying so much I couldn't stop, did I just lose her? My only happiness. There is still hope, stay strong y/n, for me. After half an a hour the doctor came back. *

Doc: I'm sorry she didn't make it, we tried our best to save her, but we couldn't.

Jimin: I-I understand doc.

* I left the hospital still crying, that's it I lost her, nothing else can ever make me more happy than her, no one can replace her. I don't have anything else to do in this world, so I might as well end my life. As I crossed the road I saw a big truck coming towards me, the lights flashed and then, blackness, all I could see was blackness, I made it, now I don't have to suffer anymore. *

Y/n, when I first met you made me have hope, you made me want to start a family with you, live with you for the rest of my life, but now that you're dead I killed myself to, so we can both be together in the afterlife. I love you y/n, you made me happy, and you gave me...Hope  

                                                                                                                                                            - Jimin ❤️

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