I Can't Sleep

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I can't sleep, I can't keep still...

After all that settled in the dust.

I can't sleep, I can't keep still...

Traversing through only to lose something along the way.

I can't sleep, I can't keep still...

Dealing with the pain of utter insanity.

I can't sleep, I can't keep still...

Knowing what slip-up I had incurred.

I can't sleep, I can't keep still...

Over what this has come to.

Oh, how I keep despising myself

Simply for being carefree, for negligence.

Oh, how I keep despising myself

Just because I don't keep track of all.

Oh, how I keep despising myself

For failing to do even the smallest of things.

Why, self? Why this?

Why does it have to come to this mess?

I'm so alone, without anyone else

Coming around to remind me.

I'm so alone in this maze,

No one who could ring me for details.

I'm so alone, sometimes clueless,

Oftentimes careless, always confused.

I feel so alone traversing through,

No nights to actually rest in well.

I feel so alone without someone by me...

Without someone who could remind me.

But, I guess this feeling is not valid, right?

Because this is all the same, isn't it?

Is my feeling of anger and disappointment valid?

Or is it all junked out through the window?

I guess my feeling is not valid, isn't it?

I guess my feelings and thoughts aren't to be considered.

I guess, I'm all messed up, right?

That I'm always in the wrong?

You are right—I'm an absolute mess.

I don't even know if I'm that responsible.

I mean, even the little slip-ups...

Someday, they might become bigger fallouts.

M.DO's Poetry CollectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ