yo m0r3 theory pog???

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Yes I thought of another theory 🤩🧡🍁 maybe Luke has never been b3tr4y3d before and thinks everyone is g00d,

but again I don't think he's naive because he has obviously been yandere about Zander and has thr34t3n3d jake before.

so I'm really excited to see what his backstory is! I don't think he has f4m1ly issues because like- too many characters have/had f4m1ly issues in tmf like Zander and hailey, since they are step s1bl1ngs, and there's a theory Sean might too, because some people have leaked some of the lines for episode 6.

(Also this theory was written before episode 6)

there's even another theory Jake has an 4bu51v3 m0th3r.

So once again, I'm really excited for episode 6! I'm sure rosy has done gr34t on it :)

have a n1ce day everyone!!!!!!!!

(P.s s077y for the t3rr1ble writing, I'm not so talented in writing. Its cringe HAHAH- well anyways, bye guys for real!! 🧡🍁💜🍇)

Luke theory! [TMF] + Other Character TheoriesWhere stories live. Discover now