It's too late...(2)

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The evening sky blossomed on top of the city, like red lights flashing on a festive night. As I walked down the quiet street heading home, a figure came spiralling down and almost hit me by an inch.

There, laying on the ground, was a bird. I quickly rushed over to the bird at the speed of light, hoping that it's still fine. But, I was wrong. The bird, looking as weak as a person that has an infection, flapped its wings as if it's trying to say something.

I looked around. No one here. Then, I looked at the now struggling bird. Without hesitation, I put down my bag and took out a cotton pad to dry the wound up. The bird opened its beak and flapped its wings, as if it is moaning in pain.

"'s okay, everything's gonna be alright" I told the bird, even though I knew it couldn't understand a word I said. I then pulled out a bandage out of my bag to wrap around the injured area of the bird, its body. Soon, I was done and the bird stopped flapping it's wings too. I was thinking that the bird had stopped flapping because it isn't in pain anymore. But...little did I know...

Things took a change for the worse....

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