Part 2 - Monsties! Monsties! and Disaster?

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As you approach the statue, you see a multitude of nests, each housing a multitude of eggs. You immediately identify some of the eggs. there was a blue one with large orange spots which was easily a Velocidrome. Next to that was a green egg with blunt grey stripes, an Aptonoth. That was one you were definitely not going to take. There were other different eggs around, Including a Congalala, Arzuros, and even a Glavenus. But one caught your eye, You hadn't seen an egg like this before. It was an egg with a grey top that had a gradient into a black at the base. there were swirling red, yellow and orange patterns all around it. 'I want that one' you think to yourself. As the two boys who got to the finish line first pick their eggs, you pray that they do not pick the mystery egg. The first boy pick a Glavenus, Reasonable. The next goes with a Nargacuga, they both seemed fearsome and fit the boys. You were next up and picked up the mystery egg. You walk over to the area where the other boys are lined up with their eggs. "Oh that's a nice egg you got their" The blond boy snickers and flicks your egg. "I see you picked a Glavenus, that's a fine choice" You reply back, paying no mind to his earlier remark. "Shut up nerd, I picked this egg because it look cool, I don't care what comes out, as long as it does whatever I say" the boy says in a harsh tone. "oh wow, a generic tough boy in a story, obsessed with being strong but in reality is hopelessly weak" you say back with a smile, before walking over to Lise, who had picked her egg. She seemed to pick a Tobi Kadachi, it really fits her "Wow, an Tobi? nice pick" you say to her. "Haha, yeah. But what monster is that? I don't think I've seen that egg before." she says back "I... dunno, all I know is that this egg, it called to me" you say dramatically, getting into a kneeling Shakespeare pose "Ha ha, very funny Y/n" she laughs out sarcastically. Before you know it, all the other kids have lined up with their eggs and are awaiting Chief Dongro to tell them what's next. He brings you all into a room with a multitude of straw nests in booths. You place down your egg in a booth and Chief Dongro speaks up. "Tap the eggs 3 times, and see if there is a response. if there is, continue tapping until it cracks. if there is no tap, then wait 2 minutes before tapping again." You tap the egg and get no response, so you wait. You tap again after the 2 minutes but still, no response. You continue tapping and waiting until everyone had hatched their eggs, and left. Lise stayed behind to wait for you and was playing with her new Tobi Kadachi that she named Skydrop due to the Kadachi's ability to drop from the sky. eventually Chief Dongro comes over to see what's taking you so long. "whatever is the matter child? Why haven't you hatched your egg?" he asks. "I'm tapping the egg but I'm getting no response" you reply. Chief Dongro then tells you to head home and that you can try again tomorrow. You walk home defeated that everyone got their Monsties, except you. Lise attempts to cheer you up by shoving Clifford into your face, He in turn gives you a lick of the nose. You laugh and lightly move him out the way, rubbing the slobber off your face. "Oh cheer up grumpy pants, you can get your Monstie tomorrow" Lise says, moving Clifford from side to side in front of her body. "Your right, ill just be a bit late to training." you reply back. You eventually get back home and take off your Rider clothing. 'What a day' you think to yourself. You slump down onto your bed and groan. "why did my egg have to be the one that doesn't hatch" You eventually drift off to sleep.

You are awoken by a loud crash, and lots of screaming. Swinging open your door you see something you didn't want to believe. A monster attacking the village. And not just any monster, it was a- a-. A Fatalis. This monster was believed to wipe out the entire kingdom of Schrade overnight, and its said it still resides on the highest pillar, waiting for opponents. What's more, you notice its scales had a white hue, and lit up every time it let loose a column of fire. It was The White Fatalis, Father of all Elder Dragons... Death itself has been set loose upon us.

(Credit to this art goes to Cosme Lucero)

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(Credit to this art goes to Cosme Lucero)

You immediately fly out your door and run towards Lise's house to check on her. As you near her house, You see a large jet of red lightning fly in the direction of her house. You let out as yelp as you see her house, singed and burnt. Yet out the corner of your eye you see a white crackling streak shoot across the cliff side. It was Lise, Riding atop her already fully grown Tobi Kadachi. She has a bow out and is already firing arrows into the beast, but its doing next to nothing to stop this creature built for pure destruction. You run towards the smithy to see what you can do to help and see an unattended great sword lying on the ground behind the counter. You pick it up and hold it behind you as you charge over to the nearby balcony and leap off it. You hold your great sword high as you barrel towards the monster, but you are suddenly smacked backwards by its tail. Feeling the wind exit your chest, you fly backwards through wood until you slam into a hard stone wall. You sit there, unable to move for a short while. You eventually get up and realize you are in the egg room from yesterday. Nearby you see the booth you were in, limping over you notice your leg bone, outside of your leg. About half the bone was sticking out with blood gushing out. You hadn't noticed it until now due to your adrenaline pumping like crazy, it still was. You move over to your booth and see the egg still there, unhatched. With nothing else to do except die here, you knock on the egg, and get a knock back. You knock again and get another knock back. After doing this 3 or 4 times, the egg cracks. You continue knocking until the shell explodes and reveals the monster inside.

A Bazelgeuse. A Bazelgeuse was your Monster. The Bazelgeuse was an ancient species that hasn't been seen for hundreds of thousands of years. Its said the scaly mane around its neck is made up of explosives that it shakes down upon its foes from the sky, causing many craters to be left at the site of battle. You couldn't believe that this ancient monster was just, in your village. Picking up this glorious monster, your mind begins running though names until you land on one. Bagel. Bagel was a yeast made treat that you were particularly good at making, and the name Bagel fit with the 'Bazel' part of 'Bazelgeuse' so that's what you go with.

 Bagel was a yeast made treat that you were particularly good at making, and the name Bagel fit with the 'Bazel' part of 'Bazelgeuse' so that's what you go with

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(Art credit goes to Gaijin)

As you stare in Awe at this creature, you begin to hear growls and snarls from the hole in which you came through. Turning around quickly caused the pain of you leg to erupt throughout your body. "ARRUGH" you groan, collapsing to the ground, with Bagel wincing behind you. From the hole emerges Lise, atop Skydrop. Upon seeing you, Lise leaps off Clifford and runs towards you in a panicked state. "oh no Y/n, it-its gonna be ok, i- ill get you to the doctor and we can fix you up an-" She begins tearing up. Bagel was hiding inside the booth and Lise hadn't seen him. You give Lise a slight smile before passing out.

- Lise POV - 

My... My best friend has just died. All because of this stupid fucking dragon. I hop atop my Tobi Kadachi, Skydrop and set out to kill this thing. I dash out of the stables and launch into the air, firing multiple arrows into its eye. It lets out a deafening roar, flailing around, it destroys more buildings before locking its eyes onto us. The stupid thing lets out a column of fire in our direction but misses us by a mile. Clifford jumps towards Fatalis as I jump off, landing atop the dragon. taking a hardened arrow from my quiver I begin digging into its flesh with the tip. It Flails around more but I drive my arrow deep into its back, and hold on for dear life, I have to kill this thing.. For Y/n's sake.

Ooo this ending is spicy. What will happen? Will Lise defeat the ancient god of death? Will you wake up in time to help her? Only time will tell. Sorry to leave yall on a cliff hanger but it had to be done. 1553 words for this here chapter. I'm having a lot of fun with this story and I hope you all are too. See you next chapter! 👋 

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