Time goes slow

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"Could the time go any slower?„ She sighed while listening to her history teacher.

*after 20 minutes the bel rings*

"finaly" she says while grabbing her bag. While walking trough the hallway she bumps into someone. "Watch out loser„ she turns around and there she is, the biggest bitch from school. "Hello to you too Sophia„ Isabella says with a fake smile. Sophia rolls her eyes in response and walks away.
Isabella does the same thing and walks to the table where she always sits with her friends.

"Hey Bella!„ they all began, "hey guys!" she replied.
"How are you?„ Alex asked. "Good, exept that I just bumpted into the school rat„ she replied.
"And how about y'all?„  she wondered.
"I'm good, but what did she say?„  Jules questioned.
"Well she told me to watch out and called me a loser, but that's not important, the thing is that tomorrow is the ball and i still don't have a date„
"I can change that„ Louis mumbled.
"Really?„ She asked him happily. "yea ofcourse„
He replied again. "Well, it's a date!„ She said with a big smile.

After lunch she goed to her next class.
"Hello students, today we're going to work on a project so choose a partner„
Sienna jumps up and stits down next to her.
"We're going to work together whether you like it or not„ Sienna demanded.
She laughs and says "yes boss„

*They where working on a project for a while now*

"hey, we should finish this project after school„ Sienna suggests "fine by me„ Isabella answeres. "alright, my place at 5pm„ Sienna went on.

After class she goes to her locker.
Then the hall goes silent.
There they are.

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