Elijah going pychotic

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After I saw that text message I became enraged and that never happens. For the 43rd time in my life I actually felt like going on a massacre. I need to find kol first because how dare he say that I wouldn't hurt them.

Right now I was in mystic grills searching for kol. I scanned the bar and finally found him on his phone, one look my way made him freeze and start going pale. Just when I thought I shouldn't take things to far becouse he was still a young and irresponsible, he had the audacity to make a run for it at normal human speed.

I was on my phone looking over Rebekah and how she just jinxed me. Knowing that jinxes where real from past experiences I was gonna hide somewhere until I turned my attention to the bar. I felt myself going pale bye the second., there stood the familiar suit and a very pissed of original. I didn't have to even look up seeing as I knew all to well he was pissed.

Quickly I calculated my best options for this flight or fight moment and us originals never back down from a fight even when we're outnumbered. I turned my attention to the figure walking towards me. "Fuck this shit I'm too young to die" I say whilst jumping over the table surprising a few people whilst I ran toward the door but never got far because the next thing I knew, I was being hanged from the back of my Colour and Elijah whispering in my ear the words I most feared. "Brother if its not too much trouble could you perhaps just kill me" I say in a quite voice too scared of what might anger him more.

"Oh but where is the fun in that" those words were the last thing I heard and before you knew it I elbowed him in the face and stared to run for my life knowing full well I was gonna die a slow and painful death. I looked behind  me to find Elijah laughing like a psychopath. I knew fate hated me because the next thing that happened was me fucking tripping over and falling to the ground. But I would never admit to anyone that was how I got caught, instead maybe I'll just say I was fighting guns and almost won if he didn't play dirty.

Yeah that's sounds better

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