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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!" That is what you heard after getting out of your room. You jumped out of not expecting it. You laughed and replied, "thanks guys!" The day went smoothly with you guys having punch and dancing

When it was time for cake Cap came out with a cake that was chocolate with the two numbers 22 on it for candles, after they sang you blew out your candles and ate. When it came time for presents it was amazing! You noticed Tony didn't get you anything but you didn't care only because he was the one who put the party together so he didn't have to get you anything.

It was getting late so you figured it would be best if everyone had left so nobody would have to Uber to the tower. That's when you started to clean up and Tony began to help.

"You know that I never gave you a present right?," Tony says. You explain that you did notice but didn't think much of it only because you arranged this event. Tony chuckles and says, "look in your room for your gift." You walk to your room with Tony and when you enter you see that Xbox you had been looking at online. "Thank you!," you practically squeal. Tony says, " you're welcome but that's not the only thing I got you."

(230 words)

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