Chapter 1. The Sleepover

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"Eeeeeeeeeee! I can't wait for the sleepover!", I said. "I know sis!", said my best friend ever, Evie. We were talking over Facetime. Then I said, "You know what?" "What?" "I'll drive over and get you right now."  "Really?" "Heck yeah! Bye, see you in a bit." "Bye!"

 I drive over to Evie's house, knock on her door and I am greeted by Evie and her dog, Nibbles.  "Alright sis, get your stuff and let's go.", I said. "Mmk. Come on Nibbles let's stay inside.", she said in a high pitched voice. She got her suitcase and bags and brought them outside to my car. "Okay I'm all set." "Okay, put your stuff in the back seat, and we'll leave."

 I drive back home, I unlock the front door, we put her stuff in my room and decide to go in the woods for a lively, peaceful little stroll and we take my Golden Retriever, Buttons, and start walking until we get to an opening with no trees. Suddenly, Buttons stops walking, and starts sniffing and pawing at the dirt and Evie points out a little gold chain. I bend over to pick the chain up and find that there are hair clips too. 

We take them home and wash them to reveal a beautiful, sparkling opal, with a shiny gold chain and matching hair clips. We put in the hair clips and feel a little shock. Then out of nowhere gold flakes fall around us. Suddenly both of of us start floating and Buttons starts growling and barking. 

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