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A piece of the accursed flesh burns,

etching its name into Alaya's dream.

With words of blood and tears of salt,

the mother feeds her children equally.

Even in the darkest hours of the night, the actions of men are recorded. Whether it be an uninvited gaze peering through the keyhole, or a fire-spirit lying in wait for it's prey—no moment remains lost to the eyes of some entity constantly perceiving it. The sun and the moon themselves are witnesses to the world they rise upon, never letting anything out of sight. For it is the universe's job to inform its superiors of the laughter and cries of children, the whispers of the ascetics as they converse with the Creator, and of the malice and evil that contacts the unfortunate.

The Custodians needed this information. How else were they to maintain eternal balance in the human realm?

As darkness spread over the western provinces of the world, the man assigned to take care of it for the day made his way back to his master. Something urgent had come up.

Flying to the top of a crimson-painted minaret, he launched off into the sky with a speed the likes of which would leave even the fastest of the fire-spirits staring in awe. That is, of course, if he were to ever drop the invisibility that cloaked him at all times.


Mere moments had passed since the order before a Custodian—clearly weakened, made an appearance before the Elder.

"Peace, my Lord."

"Peace. I see your task at Sabaa was a success?"

"There were no hurdles, my Lord. I am to return the following morning to deal with Prince Ma'mar's familial affairs that may require...some time to address."

The Elder Guardian, as he was known, considered the finely dressed youth, his head lowered in reverence for the old man. He may not have looked a year older than thirty-eight to the eyes of a regular human, but both men knew that he had been alive for over a hundred and eighty years. The wrinkly face of the bearded patriarch, on the other hand, might have existed for eternity.

"Chief of Vhalara," the Elder addressed his loyal servant. "A new Custodian is to be initiated at Dawn's Fountain."

"Very well, I shall leave for the fountain at once," the Vhalaran Custodian said as he bowed and prepared to leave.

"He's not here yet."

The Custodian froze just as he'd turned around. He faced the Elder Guardian, confusion evident as he tried to piece it together.

"Cognizance. And not just that." The greybeard paused as if waiting for the right moment, "It had to be done because some fool is trying to unsheath the Alaya."

Had the Vhalaran possessed any emotion, hearing those words would have brought greater fear to him than what a lamb feels before its slaughter.

   If only Custodians were able to feel.

"Understood. I shall depart immediately. Where do I find the Cognizate?"

"He must not be informed about the Alaya in any capacity. Let things run their natural course," the Elder leaned forward as his eyes widened. He almost looked human. "Your man is the Yudan Poet. He's in Hurmraba."

The Custodian bowed and made for the city of Hurmraba. The Jewel of Vhalara. His homeland.

Once upon a time he would've cared. Not anymore. If the world was fated to be destroyed, it may well do so.

The universe had far more important things than human sentiment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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