𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤

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Lets start with Aisha and Nate.
Aisha and Nate currently have two kids named Spencer and Jordan. Spencer is shy,loves football and is very playful.
Jordan is more outgoing and energetic.
Nate has been working on music along with making shoes with his best friend Tayler. Tayler and Nate are launching their shoes in just a few short months and are thrilled. Aisha has been working on photography and enjoys it alot along with still doing social media. Now
moving on to the next twin,Azra
And Tayler. They have two kids,Jacob and Aiden. Jacob mainly stays to himself and likes to skate,but Aiden is more social and gets all the girls. Now,Tayler has being working with Nate on a shoe collection and has also slowly started going back into music. Azra has been starting her own fashion line with some of Aishas help but mainly doing it herself. Now lets take a look into the twins life.

Aishas Pov:
"I think the first cake was the best"
I say and my twin quickly says "well I like the last one the best"
I hear our fiances both sigh,its been hard planning a wedding with Azra because we both want completely different things. We both finally decide on the 3rd cake after arguing for a while,I then head home and see my beautiful babies that I missed so much. "Mama!" Spencer says and I smile as I pick him up and hug him. "Daddy,Mommy!" I hear Jordan say and Nate and I greet him lovingly too. We all eat dinner and go to bed after.

Azras Pov:Tayler and I get home,just the two of us since the boys are over at friends houses. Usually this would be good for Tayler and I so we could spend a date night together,but instead we're fighting. Tayler has been working on music and for his new music video he wants Charly,his ex to be in it because he knows im too busy.
"I can't believe you" I say to Tayler clearly upset,and he replies with "Well she asked to be in it,what was I supposed to say?!" You say "No!" Tayler its not that hard. After arguing I decide to go to bed upset and hurt,we should be planning our wedding vowes, but instead we're fighting.

*Next day*

Aishas Pov:I wake up to Nate giving me loving kisses all over my face and hearing "Mommy!" From Jordan and Spencer. I slowly sit up and smile at my loving family and realize how lucky I am to have them. I get up and get ready for the day and get the boys ready too,today we're going to the park to take pictures of the boys and let them play for a while.
*at the park*
The boys were playing while I took photos of them until Spencer fell and started crying. At first I thought it was just a bruise or something until I hear my fiance say "babe! Call 911!"
I quickly called and they came as soon as they could and rushed him to the hospital. I was worried and crying and we found out he had....

Okay guys thats the end of this chapter! I promise they will get better and I will update as soon as I can,im busy with school and stuff but I try and update more! Comment your thoughts and if you have suggestions fill free to dm me! Please share this!! Have a great day guys!

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