Chapter 3 Memories

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Author's note

Hello dear readers! Sorry for the late update. But to make it up to you all I have made this chapter extra long. Hope you enjoy :)



'What am I going to do now?'

 She thought gravely, trying to look past the dense forest for some sign of human life. To her disappointment, all she could see was an endless maze of trees surrounding her. Sighing in frustration, she began to think,

'That stranger came to rescue me, that means there HAS to be a way out of this place. I just need to find it.'  

The sun was on the horizon, spreading the wonderfully vibrant colors all around her. It was going to be night soon. 

'I can't go into that forest at night. Who knows what I'll come across?' She thought with a shudder. 'I should spend the night here in the cave. I'll leave tomorrow early in the morning.' She decided, her face solemn. 

She went back into the cave, staying near its mouth. There was no way in hell that she was going into those tunnels again. She was lucky that stranger saved her last time or she would have fallen straight to her death. 

'Stranger...who was he?' She thought. He looked thrice her age if not more. And he seemed to know who she was...has she met him anywhere? Or maybe he knew her because of Gabu. He knew a lot of people in their city, no matter old or young. People like to stay clear of him as he makes their lives very difficult whenever he wants to. 

'Causing so much trouble at such a young age.' Eloise chuckled. He had always been the 'The troublemaker' for every person he ever met. She vaguely remembers how he used to scare every guy who ever tried to talk to her. None of them every came back, too scared of her twin brother. No one ever understood why he acted that way, no one except Eloise. Gabu had always been aloof, never making any friends or connecting with their family. He preferred to stay away from everyone since childhood, claiming that he didn't need anyone. Everyone tried to integrate him into society but their efforts were always a waste. 

Soon everyone stopped trying, believing he could never change. No kid behaved like him. They all loved to play hide and seek together, finding each other to win the game. Gabu was...different. That's what everyone said. Some even called him a freak and a bully. Parents of other children disliked him as he took their toys, his playmates were scared of him so they never talked to him much and his' and Eloise's parents scolded him a lot for his behaviour, his desire to stay away from others.

They never really tried to understand him. All they could think of was how to fit him into the box, to make him like other kids. No one ever accepted him for who he really was. And that was the reason why he grew up to be an even bigger bully. 

'I wish our parents told him that it was okay to have a different mindset, a different view of the world. That it was okay to be ambitious and hungry for success' She thought sadly.

Because that's who he was; an extremely ambitious boy who was cast aside for trying to a leader at an extremely young age. A boy who wanted to command others and do things his way. People couldn't accept doing things in any other way than they knew of. Children thought it was 'odd' to be wanting to know why they were doing maths rather than simply doing it as instructed by their teachers. 

Their parents scolded him everyday for not being polite to his playmates when he simply didn't want to play with them. They thought they could 'change' him into being a normal, sweet kid if they scolded him enough and asked him to do things that children of his age would do. But what they didn't knew was that they were turning him into a rebel. Someone who won't be afraid of them and would have nothing to lose. 

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