Chapter Eight.

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Fundraiser Part Two.

Love might just be a four-letter word. But someone who knows the extent of it will know that it's a feeling that never dies.

Each time, Veronica had a call, she would excuse herself and walk to the other room to take the call. These movements became suspicious to Theo. He wasn't in love with her but she was still spending the money that he earns.

"I will call you later. Yes at the same place. I promise I will see you there", Veronica tells the other person who was on the other line.

"Who was that?", Theo asks her.

She quickly hung up the phone.

"Just a friend she wanted to hang out with tomorrow. She just arrived from Japan where she has been living for the last 5 years. We were going to catch up tomorrow", Veronica lies to him.

"Okay, I have to go out to meet up with Jack and the guys. I will be back late". He tells her knowing that he was about to call someone to follow her.

"Okay, I will go back to my apartment", she takes her bag and heads out.

Does she think am stupid?

As he was about to call his friends, he received a message from Jack. He had sent a picture of Arian.

"Hey, did you get the picture?", Jack asks as soon as Theo answered.

"Yes, I did...."

"That's your wife, Arian. She is with someone else. I am staring at them right now", Jack tells him. "She is here because of her father who is in the hospital, right?"

"Yes, I know that. I saw her a month ago", Theo explained to him.

"Who is the guy she is with?", Jack asks Theo. He felt something that he thought he won't feel for Arian.

"That's her boyfriend. Her mother told me about him when I went to see her father", Theo told Jack

A few days ago Theo had found something shocking to him. It turns out that they aren't divorced. Someone had delivered the papers to his office but there was no address.

It just had a note saying;

"Second Chances are rare. When they come, you can't give them up. This is yours. Take or leave it. It is your choice".

Theo knew that he shouldn't waste this second chance he was given. But he needed a plan to get her back from her boyfriend.

Maybe Mandy would help him but then he realized that when Theo met her, she had threatened to break his legs and show him how to walk without them.

"Theo are you there?", Jack asks as all he heard was slience on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, I am here. But I have to go now".

"Okay, sure no problem. Are we still on for tonight?", Jack asks Theo.


Theo had to get her back one way or the other. But the main question is how?

First, he needed to know who Veronica was meeting. He was getting tired of her because of her spending and constant cheating.

The day of the fundraiser had arrived it was time for Theo to get his plan ready to get Arian.

"Everything is ready, Sir. As per your request", Keith tells him.

"That's good. I will let you know the time for take-off", Theo tells him while walking into the venue just in time for Arian's auction.

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