Wife ACCIDENTLY gives birth, lives to REGRET IT!

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Tom nervously sat in the waiting room with his 2 kids, Ellie and Kalen.
They were waiting on Maya, Tom's wife and and the mother of his kids. He was impatiently waiting for an update on the condition of his wife and the birth of his third kid, which gender they decided to keep a secret, as they wanted it to be a surprise. 

He wished he could be in the room, helping his wife, but he had to watch over his other two children in the waiting room, which he was fine with, but he was paranoid that something could go wrong, as any good husband would be.

He realized he had been zoning out for a bit when his daughter, Ellie, came up to him crying. 

"Ellie, What's wrong, sweetheart?" He said, trying to calm his daughter down. 

"Kally took my doll, daddy! He took it!" Ellie said with tears running down her cheeks. 

Tom sighed, annoyed that his kids were fighting at a time like this, yet he knew he couldn't blame them, with them being so young and not understanding the situation.

He grabbed Ellie's hand and walked a few feet over to Kalen, who was playing in a small childrens area built into the waiting room. He knelt down, 

"Kalen, did you take your sister's doll?" He said. 

"Nope!" Kalen said, snickering. 

"Yes you did! You took Susie!" Ellie said, shouting at her brother. 

"Sigh, calm down Ellie, no need to shout." Tom said quietly to her as he felt the stare of other people's eyes on him and his children. 

"But- But-!" 

"No 'but's', we don't have to yell, we can talk it out. Now, Kalen. Did you take your sisters doll?" He said with a sterner tone to his voice. 

He was silent for a few seconds before he huffed, "Yeah, I took her doll... I just wanted to play with it for a little bit.." Kalen said, suddenly finding the floot quite interesting. His father sighed.

"You can't just take it from her, you have to ask first, and if she says no, then that means you'll have to find something else to play with." "Or," he said stretching out the 'r' "You can always ask me to buy you a doll of your own." He said with a wink at the end. 

"Really??" He said looking excitedly at his father.

"Of course, But first you need to apologize to your sister."

"Oh, uhm." He looked up, "I'm sorry.." Kalen said looking back down again.

"What are you sorry for?"

"Taking El's doll.."

"Don't say it to me, say it to your sister."

"I'm, uhm, sorry for taking your doll, Ellie.. "

"Hmph!" Emily huffed, crossing her arms.

"Do you forgive him, Ellie?" Tom looked at his daughter.

She was quiet for a moment, "I guess I forgive him.." She said, rolling her eyes.

He nodded, "Great, now, why don't you two follow me back to our seats?"

"Okay, daddy." The two said almost in unison.

They went back to their seats once again, Kalen quickly sitting on his fathers lap.

"But I wanted to sit on dad's lap..!" Ellie whined.

"It's okay, El. You can soon, alright?" Tom said, patting his daughter on the shoulder.


-Some time later-

Tom and his kids sat there, quietly waiting. Until finally, they were let into the hospital room.

He almost jumped up from his seat, "Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked nervously.

"Yes, your wife and your baby is fine, sir. You can come in now." The nurse said, smiling reassuringly at him. Then she looked at the kids, and back to the father.

"Don't be too loud, alright guys? She's probably really tired at the moment." The nurse smiled again.

"Of course. Ellie? Kalen? Make sure to keep your inside voices on while we are in there."

"Okay, daddy!" Ellie exclaimed. Tom looked at Kalen and then put a finger to his mouth. He nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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