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Millie's POV

For the party, my mom said she'll do my makeup. I thought I'll wear my white t-shirt with Paris written on it,  black skinny jeans and a pair black stilettos. It's not that I don't have style, it's just that the author is a bitch.

My mom did  smokey eyes, applied some really dark red lipstick and a little bit of bronzer on my cheeks.I looked at the mirror and gasped. No, I didn't get an identity crisis. But, my mom's makeup skills are bad. I can't say anything though, or else, she'll kick me out the house.

"Thank you, mom" "It's okay, sweetie. Now go." She said with a smile "Come back before 9. Or I won't let you in."

"Ok" I shouted as I got into my car and drove to Lahela's house. She was nice to me. So, I'm going. My tattoo was still glowing. The thing about Solaris is that we don't have much traffic here.

I reached there and everything was nice. But imma still oversay it. There were so many plastic red cups outside on the lawn and sweaty teens too. As I walked inside, someone shouted, "Hey girl." It was Snazzy.

"I need to go to the toilet. Do you know where it is?" I know all the consequences but whatever.

"Oh yeah, it is down the passage, the last door on the left." "Thanks :)"

I went into the washroom. Stood there for a while, doing absolutely nothing and walked out.

"Are you lost babygorl?"Said an unknown voice. "What the fuck bro?"I shouted back at him and he pushed me to a wall. "Nothing baby. I just know you would enjoy doing me." He said with an ugly smile.

"You? You look like a thumb dude. Try again next time."I said that and kicked him on the crotch and just as I was trying to run away. Some thing in his hands glistened. He took out a knife, pointed it my neck and said," Run away bitch and I'll kill you." 

"Not if I do it first." Then someone hit him on the head and he fell down to the ground, unconscious. I saw Lahela looking at me. She said, "What? Gotta save another human being who's being held hostage."

This girl is my hero. "Thank you." I said and ran away from there. As I was driving back home, I saw police outside my door.

"Excuse me? What happened here?" I asked. 

"Are you Miss Aurora's daughter?" I nodded my head. "She was murdered by your neighbours. But don't worry, we have them held. I'm so very sorry miss." Those assholes. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

My mama,the one who was always there for me is gone? A sob wrecked through my body. She always used to say that one day all that will be left are stories. And that's what happened.But I just saw her an hour ago and now I can't see her ever again? She told me to be back by 9, for what? To just leave me.

This didn't happen by accident Millie. Take a deep breathe and remember that so far, you've survived through everything in your life and you'll survive through this too. At the end everything will be okay. The universe is powerful enough to give you strength. 

But right now? I'll cry because it makes me strong. I'll cry until all that's left is numbness and nothing else. And when all things make sense, I'll be happy again.

Six years later

I woke up with a thud, i fell down the bed. So typical of me. Oh hey! It's been six years. The neighbours were the convicted murderers and they were sent to 4 lifetime sentences. I still remember her everyday, but as a happy memory.

After all that shit happened, I let it hurt, I let it heal and I let it go. I wanted to die at that time, but I didn't. And that's probably the bravest thing i did in my entire life.

I have joined the mafia through my dads. I had moved to NYC with them. And right now, I have an eye on this really hot guy  who is also in the mafia.

Snazzy had currently started a campaign for human rights and she's been going places. I'm seriously proud of her. Lahela was now a famous actress living in Hollywood.

One day, I was eating and dad saw my tattoo. He smiled and said, "I always found it ironic that even your first word was Applebee."

So, that was the day that I realized something. My soulmate doesn't have to be someone else, it can be me. At the end of the day I have myself and that should be enough. I promised that whenever I break down, I'll wipe my own tears and stand up myself.. I'll be strong enough to fight my own demons and win. And even before I love someone else, I have to love myself.

So,  end's well that all's well.

                                                                                  THE END


Umm....I guess I did it right. Did you guys like it? I know the book was short, but I didn't plan on writing a huge book. 


Koush :)

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