skating lesson | reki kyan x reader

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It was 6pm when my phone almost vibrated itself off the desk. I was in the process of getting changed, a light green cropped hoodie hanging limply over my confused head as I tried to figure out how i had managed to shove both my arms through the neck hole, and was now stuck. After much unnecessary struggle, the material was discarded down onto my bed in defeat and I picked up my phone from the edge of the mahogany desk.

10 new messages

he was a sk8er boy she said see ya later boi


r u online

what time r we meeting again???

i borrowed a board from the shop 4 u to use

im a total pro but im sure you'll be at my level in like

3 years


ANYWAY im excited to see u

also bring snacks im hungry

byeeeeeee 😍

I rubbed the bridge of my nose between my fingers, a small smile forming on my chapped lips. This was our first official date, and (not to my surprise) Reki had insisted that we went to the skate park so he could teach me. I was sure Reki would be an..... interesting teacher.

"Right you, lets try this again shall we?"

I turned back to the discarded hoodie on my bed and attempted for the second time to pull it over my head, finally succeeding after a series of awkward movements that would've been hilarious if i could actually see.

Finally finished getting dressed, I slid into my trainers and picked up some pocky and a large bag of salt and vinegar crisps from the cupboard, grabbed my phone and walked outside, where I found my ruby haired boyfriend waiting for me.

"I thought we were gonna meet at the park"

"Were we?- I thought we said we would walk there together" he rubbed the back of his neck, a mix of confusion and embarrassment covering his smiling face and causing the tips of his ears to turn crimson.

I laughed and walked closer to him, taking his hand, my fingers intertwining with his calloused ones.

One of these days I'm taking this boy to a salon I said to myself, but only in my head so Reki couldn't hear and refuse again.

We walked for about ten minutes before arriving at the skate park, which, to my relief, was entirely empty.

"Alrighty here's your board." Reki handed me one of the boards he was carrying. It seemed rather run down and there were scratches all over the bottom and the wheels, but I didn't expect any more from a borrowed board. There was a very simple striped pattern on the bottom, but the bright colours made me smile.

We walked towards the middle of the skate park - well I walked, Reki skated - and I placed my board down on the concrete.

"Skating lesson number one, standing on the board."

I looked up at Reki who was already standing comfortably atop his own board, feet spread evenly apart and hands on his hips with a rather smug look on his face. He easily stepped down from his board and stood behind it, ready to demonstrate.

"Step onto the board one foot at a time. Make sure your feet aren't too close to the ends when you step on or the board will tip over, but far enough apart that you can keep your balance." He effortlessly stepped onto the board in front of him.

"Now you try"

I gulped and lifted my right foot, trying to copy his actions. As soon as it reached the surface of the board, I lifted my other foot up and placed it beside it. I could feel myself wobbling and stuck my arms out in an attempt to keep my balance, and what was left of my dignity. After wobbling around for a while and nearly falling off multiple times, I was finally standing still, a triumphant look on my face.

"Great job! Skating lesson number two, moving. This part is a lot harder than just standing on the board, so you need to watch closely."

I nodded.

"Lift one foot up and place it on the ground like this." He demonstrated and i followed, almost losing my balance but succeeding.

"Now bend your leg and push off so your board starts to move. It might take a few tries to actually get it moving so don't worry if it only rolls for a second." I watched eagerly as Reki pushed himself forwards on the board.

"Then once it starts moving, put the foot back on the board and lean forwards slightly. When the board begins to slow down, just do the same thing again." The redhead circles around me a few times before stopping in the same position he had started.

"Ok, your turn." He grinned at me, giving me a thumbs up.

I gulped and pushed my leg backwards, feeling myself begin to move. The wheels were turning rather slowly at first (it didn't help that I hadn't put my foot back on the board yet) but they soon began going faster and faster, catching me off guard. I began to tip backwards, my legs unable to support me. I was inches away from hitting the ground when-

"That wasn't half bad." I looked up and brushed the hair out of my eyes to see my boyfriend smiling down at me. Blush began to creep up my face and I realised that he had caught me when I was falling, and we were now sitting on the ground, my head rested on his lap.

"Most people can't even get the board moving properly on their first try, you're a natural."

"But I fell off almost instantly," I protested, sitting up and looking at him.

"I did that my first time. And my second. And my third-" Reki began, the goofy smile never leaving his face. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, smiling wide.

"Now lets go eat those snacks you brought! I'm starving"

- word count: 1010

𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 | character x reader oneshots and headcannonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora