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It's  been years since I met those so called heros met me.

I thought they would save me.

But they did nothing.

One of them, the green haired one. The one with freckles and bright green eyes-
I hate him.

Over the past few years he graduated from this school, and rose to be Number One Hero.

And I hate his smile.

He couldn't save a fly if he wanted to.

If he couldn't save me, how could he save anyone else?

Anyway, I don't care because I don't want to be saved anymore.

Kai Chisaki's plan failed after a while of using me.

My body was too frail to do more tests over and over again, and each one wasn't working. Sure some worked temporarily but it had never been permanent and so Kai lost his place in the hierarchy.

He gave up after my Grandfather died.

And by then I was thirteen, I was independent and tried to save myself. But somehow Kai Chisaki wouldn't let me go.

" know how many years we have worked on this, you can't back out now." I remember him grabbing my wrist and stopping me from leaving.

"You know how many years of pain I have suffered?" I asked back loosening his grip. But he was too tight on me.

"I still have a quirk. And you do too. We're the same Eri. Look at our quirks." Chisaki grinned.

The same?

I let go completely at that point and made a run for it.
I knew no one was going to look for me, but they weren't going to find me either.

I was just on my own now.

In my hand, I held the mask Kai used to wear before he became depressed and lost everything, it reminded me of a pretty bird that would fly around, and when I spotted it, Kai shut the windows.

At that time, I walked through the streets barefooted, and as the dark night engulfed my tears of doubt and loneliness, I tripped over someone.

"O-oh sorry." I turned and apologised, it was only nice to.

The guy turned around and stared at me.

He looked odd.


His hair was a light white snow colour, and his skin was dry but a light pale yellowish sight.

And it really looked like he needed lip gloss or something, maybe Chapstick.

"Can I help you?" I remember asking because we had been staying in the same position for ages.

"Yes actually." His voice was crusty thick and dry.

As if he had an everlasting cold or cough to burden him.

"H-how?" I slowly replied.

"You were with Overhaul right?" He asked.

"How do you know that?"

"I have my ways." He simply answered and then out his hand on my shoulder.

"Join us." He said.

At first I slapped his hand off.

"Join us? I don't even know who you are!"

"Oh...sorry for being so impolite, my name is Shigaraki." He smiled a creepy grin.

"I am one of the many Villains arising in this new generation." He continued.


I didn't want to be among the heros, back then.
But I didn't want to be with Villains either.

"We offer justice for the injustice you have been granted." Shigaraki moved his hands around my face, without putting his last finger down.

"So what do you say, want to Join me?" He asked.

"But this was so sudden, you don't even know my quirk." I replied.

"I do. And I want it." He grumbled.

"But I don't take quirks. I take lives. You see, Eri, we're the same. We both have red eyes, bluish white unkept hair  and quirks that erase reality. Besides appearance and power, everyone left you and me. Now we can get revenge on those who took us for granted. Those who forgot us and made us weak.

Join us Eri."

Shigaraki's smile was hard to ignore, and I knew I shouldn't be talking with Strangers, but I did it anyway.

"I have nowhere else to go, I don't use my quirk that often and my body is wrecked, so I might as well go with you. But on one condition." I replied.

"And what might that be?" Shigaraki asked.

"You train me, and we kill the No.1 Hero Deku," I answered.

"That was always the plan." He rapped his hand around my shoulder and we walked side by side into the shadows.

"Don't worry, the League of Villains are very nice people." He assured me, and I nodded, hoping these Villains were friendly.

"Welcome." Kurogiri waved, he had this big portal on his head and glowing yellow eyes.

"Ooh, another girl!" Toga crept out with a knife.

There were others, doing their personal business but Shigaraki didn't introduce me to them, he just asked:

"Hey Eri...what should we call you?" He asked.


At first I didn't know what to say, but then I remembered the mask, Kai used to wear before when he actually worked.

"Call me, Rewind." I said as I put on the mask.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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