No. 1 Snake and Fangs

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Rumor has it that Inumaki Toge lives in his own world. A world different from the one everyone else lives in. Rumor has it that he can see spirits, cursed ones, and that he has the ability to fight them.
It's just... no one believes him.


Fighting cursed spirits to save the world with your own power.

If you ask Inumaki Toge it's one of the most badass ways to live. When he was younger he would dream about it, and now that he's seventeen years old, he lives the dream.

He is actually one of the few people who can see curses. Someone who can use cursed techniques too; it sadly keeps him from talking normally, but the people around him must get that if he were to talk to them with words other than rice ball ingredients, they could get badly hurt.

He doesn't mind not being able to talk normally as a seventeen-year-old, though. In return he has been granted the ability to potentially save the world. This, along with his friends who can also use cursed energy; nothing's better.

That's why he gets up every morning, pepped up and ready to do his job of the day. The task at hand for this day is going to school to learn things, but just after noon, first he has to beat some curses.

Toge has only just woken up when, suddenly, the window to his room opens. It startles him just so slightly and he almost falls out of bed as he jolts away from the sound and the dark figure behind the glass. It wouldn't be the first time a curse sneaks into his bedroom through the window.

He gets on his feet, one hand already wrapped around his night-scarf; he's ready to attack.

The window opens just a little further and the dark, hairy shadow moves closer.

No matter how likely it is to be a cursed spirit, Toge doesn't feel intimidated by it at all. Maybe it's because he's used to fighting curses, maybe it's because the shadow is strange enough shaped a lot like a cuddly teddy bear, just like Toge's best friend.

When he realizes this, that the figure looks an awful lot like Panda, Toge allows himself to lower his guard. Because in the end, curses most often take the shapes of goopy-creatures, not a panda bear.

"Kelp," Toge says, while slowly making his way to the window.

He opens the window a little further, with caution of course since it could still be a cursed spirit after all. And once the reflection of the bright morning sunlight has disappeared from the thin glass, Toge sees him standing there; Panda. There's a big smile on Panda's face when he says, "Good morning, Toge!" Panda crawls inside through the small window, he's almost too big to fit through it. Once he's standing inside of Toge's room he adds, "Ready to kick some curses' ass today?"

Toge smiles lightly. "Salmon," he says agreeing.

"That's what I thought!" Panda gives him a soft pat on the shoulder.

Panda is one of the few people who really understands Toge, which makes Toge feel less bad about "snake and fangs" – the cursed speech techniques Toge has been given. Since most of his friends don't understand him, or at least they don't seem to do so all the time, Toge feels best around Panda. It's just a shame he doesn't go to school like Toge does.

Panda says it's because people would only tease him for being a panda, but Toge doesn't think that's a good reason; Toge's bullied for speaking in rice ball ingredients all the time, even though it's literally to safe his classmates.

"Let's go outside then!" Panda suggests. He seems in a hurry to leave Toge's house, even when Toge himself hasn't even changed into proper clothes; he's just wearing the same old t-shirt, scarf and shorts he always wears at night. But instead of coming with Panda right away, Toge puts up his hand as a sign that Panda should way a second, before turning to the door.

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