No. 4 Cursed Techniques

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Rumor has it that Inumaki Toge has a strong cursed technique. Which is why he doesn't speak in normal words. Rumor has it that he's not the only one who has these curse techniques.
The others just don't know about their own power yet.


Inumaki's a student. He used to be one of the smartest of his entire class, and he still is, he just stopped showing up over fifty per cent of the time. When he does show up, Kento finds him sleeping in class, or too distracted by the bandages around his arms and legs to pay attention.

Today is another one of those days, where Inumaki does show up, but in the end doesn't say a single word. Not that he speaks when he is paying attention; he just stopped doing that.

He's just sitting in his seat, gaze lowered to the table. He may have his eyes directed to his mathematic homework, which he supposed to be making, but his eyes are closed and his hand isn't moving.

His right hand, the one he usually writes with, is wrapped in thin bandage and the red visible through the fabric makes it clear that Inumaki's knuckles are scraped once again.

Gojo had already warned Kento about it earlier this morning.

Apparently the evening before the weekend, Inumaki had returned home late. Yet again, he got home with scrapes on his arms. His mother called to let Gojo know Inumaki wouldn't be joining PE today, since he once again had sprained the ankle which had just started to heal after three weeks.

But that isn't why Gojo told Kento. He told Kento because one of Gojo's hoomroom class' students had gone with Inumaki that night; Itadori. He had seen, with his own eyes, how messed up Inumaki's brain has gotten over time. He was there when Inumaki hurt himself once again.

"He was fighting a tree," Gojo told Kento in the teacher's lounge that morning. "A tree!"

Kento couldn't believe his ears; he had had many thoughts about what it meant when Inumaki's mother said he'd "harmed himself again". Hell, he'd even considered contacting child support because he thought it might not be Inumaki doing this to himself. But now he knows that's not the case, Itadori saw him do it; the last thing Kento expected. One of his, formerly best, students wounded himself by fighting against trees. What had happened to this kid that made him do that?

Apparently Itadori had also told Gojo that the teacher shouldn't let Inumaki see a therapist because of what Itadori had said to them about the previous night; he wasn't here to snitch on Inumaki.

Yet, when Kento looked at Inumaki sitting here in his class, he wondered if letting him go on like this was the right thing to do; Inumaki was exhausted, if the sleeping during class didn't proof this enough, the bags under his eyes would. Other than that he came to school more hurt with the day.

If he kept letting Inumaki continue like this, he would eventually end up giving himself much more pain than that of a simple-to-heal sprained ankle.


It's already dark outside when Kento leaves the school building. He has worked at least an hour longer than he actually had to, all because of Gojo wanting to have a last second meeting with him and the second-year's homeroom teacher from right now.

It was about Kento taking over the second-year students as once they are going to the third year of high school. Which means he would become Inumaki's homeroom teacher as well; he would have a saying in what would be smart to do. They could either let him become a third-year-student under the vow that he will start seeing a psychologist again and show up to all classes unless he's home sick. Or they could invite Inumaki's mother over for a different kind of talk, where they will have to tell her that if Inumaki keeps skipping classes he will have to stay a second year or leave this school.

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