good boy

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G O O D    B O Y


MORNING came, as usual a neigbhor of mine Nanang Isidra would always give me some leftovers of her food whenever she's alone at home, she has two children and they're both girls who are more older than me.

I fed my cat when I woke up, Luvi meowed at me and I smiled. Today, the sun is brighter than ever maybe because it tells something more. I went at school early, some students looked at me weirdly while some greeted me normally however when I twisted the door knob of our classroom, my classmates immediately turned silent and their eyes pressed at me.

For some reasons, I felt bother with their eyes.

Not because I was scared, but because I am annoyed of the attention they're giving me.


"You killed someone!" Alfredo shouted.

I didn't mind him.


Whispers, gossip, and the media, are still the same, they're part of the human race and are the main cycle in public as issues surfaced around, terrified, that's the only thing I could probably see within the students who went close to me.

As if that person never deserves to die, it's just them over reacting.

When I picked my tray my legs were kicked down by a boy who stood infront of me as if he owns the world, I didn't see myself in him, he has stoop so low, so did I, the difference is just he pretends to be strong, and that's that.

"Fuck you! Bastard"

"You killed Avi! What the fuck are you still doing here in our school, you're a motherfucker!" He said bluntly.

In the end I was left their with blood dripping down from my soaring lips.

Okay then,

No reasons or explanation is needed anyways


It was fun, thinking of all the times I kept trying to find her, now the chase is finally over.

"An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth . . ." I looked at the textbook I am holding while infront's a tied female teen sitted on the chair as she tried to break off the cage, she kept shouting even if her sinful lips are covered forcefully.

"You deserve to die,"

Shouts, that's what the whole room is enveloped to. I watched her suffer on there sitted at the center while I only look at her awful situation.

Questioning Avi is the most boring thing, torturing here wasn't displeasing,  it was fantastic.

As I hear her scream loudly while enduring the pain she's feeling right now, punishing her for how she let Nanang Isidra's daughter Jane die in an abandon building alone. They thought Jane had run away after the prom, what they did not know is that Avi took her out and pushed the buttons down to kill her.

The reason why I killed Avi is simple,

Because Avi, changed for good.

I admit, I had fun seeing jane being tortured by Avi while both of them were crying together since Avi never liked to kill someone, but what can she do? She let herself be snaked towards her anger, and jealousy.

In the end, she deserves to let off her life as she's about to tell everyone the truth.

That I made her kill Jane.


My biological parents were never rich, they died poor; they killed each other using guns that were registered from the police officers, they stole it and left me off alone. Three years after that happening I was adopted by a well off family both are attorneys who were unable to produce a child that's why they went to a center where there are full of kids; lonely young people who are scared together.

They did adopted another child, I pushed him down the backyard without the adults knowing that was the reason he was dead, it was intent not an accident.

They call me as a good boy since they say I am a responsible teenager who sets priorities first. . . But I believe otherwise, I never see myself as good boy, maybe I am good of handling things like this.

And after all the events that has happened, the killings of Jane and Avi were concluded as suicide.

My adoptive parents tried to sought the case, and so as for the result being the mindful attornies they were, they won the case.

The allegations were now being wiped away, and those students who kept blabbering nonsense were expelled for spreading accusations that weren't judged as guilty in the court.

Now my parents told me I should be a good boy even more.


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