physics and arguments

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in the first lesson we had physics.

our home room teacher who happened to be our physics teacher as well welcomed us warmly and wished us, like every year, a successful school year.

before starting with the lesson he held his usual ritual.

mr. lee had this ritual where he went through each student individually to see how much they had changed over the summer.

even if i didn't want to openly praise him, he was a pretty good teacher. even though some of my classmates didn't like him because he was too "nosy", i personally enjoyed his presence. he always made sure that we felt comfortable in his lessons, which was quite difficult as a physics teacher since it's a subject 90% of all students hate. he was also the only one who treated me like a student and not an idol.

"suryeon your hair looks sick!" he said in the most embarrassing tone ever to the girl who was sitting in front of the new student.

suryeon, who had dyed her hair blue over the summer, only smiled briefly whilst the rest began to mumble and giggle because of the way mr. lee said it.

mr.lee moved on to the next person, which was the new girl. he grinned and turned to the other students. "this, my dear students, is your new classmate, kim baejin. please take care of her".

she got up from her seat and bowed politely.

i let my eyes wander over her for a moment.

she had long, silky, slightly curly black hair. the uniform she wore was a bit too big for her, but it matched her "vibe" i'd say. her face was small and her body seemed curvier than most girls' bodies i had seen so far.

"hello. my name is kim baejin and i am from gwangju but recently moved to seoul because of my dad's work. please take care of me!" the young girl said.

some started clapping their hands after her short introduction and some were busy scanning her up and down.

mr.lee finally arrived at my desk. "jeong yunho. a new hair color again, huh? you also look a lot taller and thinner as well. is someone going through a break up right now?" he said in a teasing way.

the girls in my class laughed and looked at me in awe.

before i got to answer though one of my classmates, park woojin, the asshole of assholes, responded provokingly. "he's preparing for the comeback of his flop group "ateesaster" lmao". faster than expected, all my classmates turned around to face woojin who seemed quite angry considering the fact it was only 7am. "another year of jeong yunho thinking he's the shit for being an idol when there are literally thousands of idols". everyone looked at me, even the new girl, expecting a clever come back.

i could've said everything in that moment. things like "but you still care enough about us to know we have a comeback coming up soon" or "that's why KQ kicked you out" or "and you're not one of them" but i didn't say anything. i tried to brush it off and started laughing. mr.lee looked confused but ended up joining me and so did the others except the new girl.

just like that the first lesson of my first class ended. everyone packed their stuff and left the classroom. everyone except baejin.

i wanted to take this opportunity to ask her what she was referring to before mr.lee entered the room, however, i failed once again.

"so you really let this dude embarass you infront of everyone just because you're too scared of defending yourself?" she turned around.

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