|Chapter One|

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Hello, person who clicked on my story.
All my stories will be Female Reader
Hope you enjoy it! If not, could you please tell me how to improve?                                                      Just a quick guide before we begin:

Italics mean thoughts

"Bolded" quotes are speaking

Current Age: 14

2nd POV: (Thanks for clarifying in the comments guys)

You sat down with your mother and siblings, preparing to eat supper, an air of worry settling over the room, thoughts of "Is Tanjiro okay?" "When will he be back?" flashed through everyone's minds. When suddenly, there was a knock at the door, "Oh! Maybe Tanjiro is back." Your mother stood up and walked over to the door...

You ran, recent events flashing through your head. Running away was all you could do. That strange man had shown up at your door, your mother had invited him in to eat, there was extra food since Tanjiro hadn't come home, and it was very cold outside. Instead of "Thank yous" and conversations, a strange, inhuman thing had swung into the home, killing almost everyone. You watched in shock as your little sister, Nezuko, ran outside with a bundle that was your younger sibling in her arms. You were too shocked to move. You and the man had made brief eye contact, his pomegranate eyes glaring right through your bones.

You then heard Nezuko shout "Y/n! Run! Quick!" and so you did. Tears were streaming down your face as you ran past her-and the man-into the forest, you were slightly thankful Tanjiro hadn't returned, at least one of you would be kept alive. 

You heard Nezuko scream as you reached a forked path "I've never traveled this way before..." you whispered wearily, breathing heavily. Hearing soft footsteps approaching behind you, you whipped around to be met with a pale face and angry red eyes. The man who had killed your family, you screamed and turned to run down the middle of the paths, and into the brush.

Instead of that, you were knocked over, falling onto your knees, the man covered your mouth with his hand, muffling your scream and stopping your momentum towards the snowy ground. The back of your head resting below his stomach, you flinched as he gripped your throat and turned your face upwards. You were certain he could, and would, break your neck at any given moment. Staring into his rage-filled, ruby eyes for what seemed like an eternity, you made a rash and terrible decision. You rocked backward into him, preparing to jump and run. Opened your mouth, and then...

You bit him.

You felt his cold, metallic blood in your mouth. It dripped down your chin, staining the white snow below. You vaguely remember getting up to run, then falling over because of the pain. 

You saw him calmly walk over, bend down beside you, hold your trembling face to his, then coldly state "That was a mistake, child." The last thing you saw was his glaring eyes as you drifted away into a void of painful sleep.


Hugs and Kisses ~ Sanemi x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt