|Chapter Four|

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I'm sorry for not posting, I know I don't have many views. But I hope that one day this blows up.

Current Age: 14

2nd POV:

You listened as the man chastised Tanjiro about being weak. "Demons might know how to cure your little sisters, but no demon will respect your whining and begging!"

The man continued yelling as Tanjiro's face grew increasingly pained. He stopped talking and Tanjiro cried out as the man stabbed Nezuko in the shoulder. 

"Gyaagh!" Nezuko growled.  

You stared, open mouthed as Nezuko's wound slowly healed. Tanjiro screamed at the man and ran towards him, throwing rocks. The rocks were all deflected with a few flicks of his katana. Tanjiro whipped his hatched up and hid behind a tree. Briefly stopping, then running head-on towards the man. Receiving a swift blow to the back, Tanjiro was knocked unconscious, but his hatchet still rotated towards its target. You gasped, trying to stand up but falling again. The man hadn't seemed to notice you yet.

Nezuko stared at Tanjiro's crumpled form, as the hatchet barely missed the man's head, cutting his hair instead. Nezuko took this opportunity and kicked the man away.

"Graar!" She growled as she leapt at Tanjiro. The man's eyes widened as the demon girl slid on the snow, taking up a defensive position in front of her brother.

Nezuko ran towards the man, he sheathed his blade and swiftly knocked her unconscious with a blow to the neck. He turned towards you, a strange expression on his face.

"Are you...not a demon?" He stared at you; an equally confused expression enveloped your face. "Demon?" You whispered out, but he still heard it. He walked closer to you, extending out a hand, he clasped his hand around yours and pulled you up.

He used his other arm to stabilize you and looked into your eyes. "You don't have the eyes of a demon, but you...are." Your eyes widened. "B-but I'm not a demon, why would I be a demon? Why would Nezuko be a demon?" He hummed in response. "Humans turn into demons when their wounds are exposed, or they consume the blood of Muzan Kibutsuji"

(A/N: Sorry if this isn't canon, I'm unsure if the Hashira know how demons are created.)

Flashbacks of that night were revisited in your mind, the feeling of his skin breaking, the blood dripping into your mouth, the searing pain that quickly followed after it slipped down your throat. 

"No. No, no, no. That can't be true...so that man was a demon?" The dark-haired man looked at you with a blank stare. You looked back up at him. He unsheathed his katana and you flinched, but he only brought it to his wrist. Slicing deep enough to draw a bit of blood, he looked at you for your reaction.

Your eyes twitched as you felt that same hunger as before, trying to fight it the best you could, your grip tightened on his arm. You felt a strange being started to take over your consciousness. As your thoughts distorted and your eyes turned to slits. Your last shred of control led you to the one action that stopped the strange feeling last time. You broke free from his grasp and threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him as he stiffened up, eyes widening. The warmth of the hug brought you back to your senses and you pulled away. Your leg had healed and drained a lot of your energy. 

"I guess I really am a demon." You said, before exhaustion took over and you nearly crumpled to the ground before he caught you. You felt yourself being picked up and carried, then placed down as your senses shut off.

A cold breeze made contact with your face as your eyes opened. Tanjiro and Nezuko lay next to you. Tanjiro's eyes suddenly fluttered open. Upon seeing you and Nezuko unharmed, tears started leaking from his eyes. He clutched you and Nezuko close to him as the man appeared from behind a tree. 

"You're awake?" He asked, Tanjiro tightened his grip on your shoulder. "Go see an old man named Sakonji Urokodaki who lives at the foot of Mount Sagiri. Tell him that Giyu Tomioka sent you." He shifted his position and continued. "Your sisters should be fine because the sun isn't out today... but don't let them into direct sunlight." And with that last message, Tomioka disappeared with the blink of an eye. Leaving the Kamado siblings to stare in awe.


The three of you stood in front of the graves that now housed your family. Nezuko had on a bamboo muzzle that you hadn't noticed until now. Tanjiro held the hands of both you and Nezuko. The three began the walk towards the unknown, in search of Sakonji Urokodaki.

Along the way the trio encounter a small cave. The sun was about to rise, so you and Nezuko bunkered in while Tanjiro went out.  "I'll be back soon. Keep Nezuko and yourself safe, Y/n." Nezuko started to dig a small hole in the ground to further escape the sunlight. You silently watched as she shrunk herself to fit inside the hole. You sat in the far end and waited for Tanjiro to return.

Tanjiro walked down the path towards a man who stood off to the side. The man had prepared a broken basket, straw, and some bamboo for the young boy who had asked for his assistance. 

Once Tanjiro reached him, he speaks "Please let me pay." 

The man shook his head. "No thank you." 

Tanjiro's voice grew louder "But I want to pay!" 

The man yelled back "We don't want it! What a stubborn kid!" 

Tanjiro slapped a few coins into the man's hand "Just take it! It's only a few coins anyway!" 

The man yelped in pain as Tanjiro ran away with a final "Thank you very much!"

Tanjiro arrived back at the cave and was greeted with a sleeping Y/n and a...mole Nezuko!?!? Nezuko popped out of her hole as Tanjiro walked into the cave with the basket he fixed up with the straw and bamboo pieces. 

"Nezuko, will you fit in here? I want us to travel during the day. I'll carry you." Nezuko slowly crawled out of the hole and shoved the upper half of her body into the basket. 

"You're too big, you grew to the size of an adult before. Can you shrink?" You were ready to say she could, but she had already started shrinking. Nezuko flipped upside down into the basket. Tanjiro covered her and put her on his back. "Y/n, let's go." Tanjiro began his walk with you following behind him.


Hugs and Kisses ~ Sanemi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now