Chapter 7

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Heels clicking. That was the last thing I heard before I saw the most terrifying sight...

"Ah! Mama! Why you gripping my ear so hard?" She looked at me with a thunderous glare that I shut up quicker than when Deji gassed out in his fight.

"Now somebody tell me why the fuck I get a call from my relaxing holiday in France about this clown acting up? Hmmm?"

Silence. Nobody wanted to answer her when she was in mama mode.

Let me tell you, Blessing Ross was one of the scariest women alive. If you cross her when she's already mad you must be wanting to have a permanent stay in hell.

"Nobodys gonna answer me then? Ok that's fine. No, no it's totally fine."

I looked at Sapph skeptically, while wincing in pain. Damn, this woman's grip game is strong. No wonder my scalp used to be aching when she used to braid my hair.



I accidentally let a snort out. How's my dad, the boss of the British Mafia Empire, gonna stutter? Well I can't blame him my mama can get real scary if she wanted to. Trust. I witnessed it when somebody broke her favourite plate. I think the persons still dealing with pain issues. Oh well.

"Why the hell you call me when you could've fixed this shit yourself? Huh? Don't make me ask you again nigga."

"W-well it's b-because..."

Slowly everyone started to disperse not wanting to see what happens to their boss. Only people left was the Italian Mafia Don and his right hand man. By Gods Grace mama started to loosen her grip on our ears and then suddenly let go altogether.

"I'll deal with you two later but now I gotta deal with you stupid ass dad."

"Bye dad! Let me pray for you. Our Heavenly Father..." Sapph started.

"Girl I'll beat yo..."

"Nu uh you won't cos I'll beat yours first. Now come here!"

Lowkey looking terrified, dad sprinted away so fast I thought he was the track star Mooski was talking about. Mama was on his ass though and I knew she was gonna catch up.

"Damn girlll we're so lucky we didn't get our ass beat!"

"I know right I thought today was my last,"

Behind us someone cleared their throats and we turned around slowly. The Italian Mafia Don was still sitting at the table with his main man. But like why they still there though?

"Well that was interesting to watch," I'm assuming his best friend said.


"Oh right! I'm Anthony and this is Deshae!" He said waving and getting bare excited.

"Actually you can call me Don." 'Deshae' stated leaving no room for argument.

You did this for what? You think I'm gonna listen?

"Mmmm," I said pretending to think about it, "No I'll call you Shae."

His mouth dropped open and for some reason he reminded me of a deranged fish...Strange.

Sapph stepped forward, "Yeah I'll call you Deshae and we'll call you T."

T started grumbling something along the lines of, "Why am I being called every letter of the alphabet? Damn!"

"Anyways we got things to do so bye, you man." Me and Sapph walked out of that room with throbbing ears but relief knowing that we were saved.


Looking at each other we shrugged and burst out laughing. "That's his own problem."

-Thanks for reading and thank you to ABCEFgo for giving me the motivation it's by your comment to write. I didn't know people were actually reading this. Please vote and comment. Bye luvs x

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