day 1 chapter 1 (a new day to a new school)

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Lucas said," Well looks like it's my first day of school..maybe I'll make new friends. Nothing to worry about or maybe there is..'' He got up and got in the shower and was still wondering how the day was gonna go. After he got out he got dressed and did the rest of his daily hygiene. As he got his backpack and left for school he was building up his self-confidence. He took a deep breath and opened the doors.

He said "Wow this school is big-" he was caught in surprise to see how beautiful it was and how stunning it was on the inside than the outside, ??? says

"Good morning. Are you a new student?" It was a female voice who asked.

Lucas replied "Oh yes I am. I was wondering where the office was." His voice got a little bit low.

??? said "oh! The office is this way! She smiled and pointed to the left of the hallway.

Lucas again replied "Oh thanks. I forgot to ask what is your name? So I remember who to ask when I need help"

??? said "My name is Lexi. It's really nice to meet you."

She took out a clipboard and said "You must be Lucas right?"

Lucas said again in a lower tone, "Y-yes that's me. Why do you ask?"

Lexi tied her hair up and said "I'm gonna be your guide person around the school. '' She smiled and proceeded to take him to the office and then after showing him around the class bell rang.

"Oh, it's time for class Lexi said in excitement.

"And guess what!", she said again.

Lucas was confused and said, "What's so exciting?"

Lexi said louder "WE ARE IN THE SAME CLASS!!!" Lucas was not really excited, he was more worried than excited.

He said even lower, "Oh that's cool-''

Lexi said, "we need to hurry to class before we are late!" They both ran up the stairs into their classroom.

The teacher yelled, "Now! There is a new student coming so make sure you respect him or you go to the office got it?"

The students all said yes as Lucas came into the classroom. But he was too tall to fit in the door. He hit his head and ducked after. Everyone in the classroom stared at him and looked petrified as if he killed a person! Lucas felt very unwelcome.

End of chapter 1

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