CeLiAc DiSeAsE

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Hello! I'm Bailey, a fourteen year old girl with celiac disease. I hate it. If you don't know, celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that, when exposed to gluten, triggers a response in my small intestine and makes me sick. Basically, gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, barley, and rye.

I hope this educates people on what it is, and hopefully fellow celiacs will understand exactly what I've gone through.

I'm not going to sugar coat this: celiac disease SUCKS. There is no cure. You're born with it, and I'm lucky we found out about mine at such a young age. I know of a few people that found out as an adult, and I can imagine how hard it was to live without knowing what is causing you to be sick all the time. Believe me- it's no fun when I accidentally eat something I can't have. Within an hour, I'll start to feel nauseous. In my family, if I tell my parents I don't feel well, the first thing they'll ask is: "Have you eaten anything that could have made you sick?" Like today, when we ate out for breakfast. I started to feel nauseous, and before long I had to hurry to the bathroom to throw up. I still don't even know what it is I ate that made me sick, since we hadn't gotten food yet and I hadn't eaten all morning.

To say the least I'm sure anyone who went in the bathroom after me was horrified. (don't worry I cleaned it up to the best of my abilities)


For future reference: the unofficial color for celiac disease is green and celiac awareness month is May

A/N: Lol this was short but I had to explain me feelings about this to someone!

Celiac Disease SucksWhere stories live. Discover now