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We were all on the couches having great conversations laughing our asses off

Everyone was talking about hobbies and embarrassing memories

I lean over to whisper to conan so I don't interrupt the conversation

"Wanna go get drinks?" I whisper

"Hell yeah!" He whisper-yells back

We both get up and I grab his hand because I don't like the feeling of being trapped between people. Like I said earlier, im claustrophobic.

We make it to the kitchen and I grab a couple beers for me, conan, and Eli who has asked for one earlier

Conan grabbed a shot glass and downed 3 shots

I don't like getting drunk but im okay with a couple beers. I still have to drive home and take care of conan. His dumbass acts like a toddler when he's drunk

"Lets head back to the group" I say after opening the beers

Conan takes one more shot and then grabs a beer so I don't have to carry 3 bottles through the crowd

We make it back to the group and I lean over the table and hand eli his beer

"Thanks gray" he says grabbing it from my hand

I smile at him and sit back down by conan and dani. I look over at billie shifting in her seat adjusting her pants

Soon after more shifting and adjusting she gets up and walked to the bathroom. I wonder if she's okay.

"Yoooo I like Nas" Conan drunkenly slurs out

"Yes we know conan" I say laughing at his childish behavior

"Hey where did Billie go?" He says sluring his words even more

"I'm not sure. I hope she's okay though." I say kinda worried

"I'm fine" Billie says walking to us and putting a hand on conans shoulder

"Dude where did you go?" Issac asked

"I uh went to the bathroom" she says sitting back down

"Yo nobodys in the pool right now! Lets go swimming!" Issac suggested

"I'm down" Conan says

"I'm down if conans down" I say

"Sounds dope" Billie says

After everyone agrees we all go into different rooms to change

I have my own room here since this is practically my second home so me and conan went into my bedroom to change

"Here" I say handing conan a pair of trunks that he left here last time

"Thanks" he says grabbing them from my hand and started to get undressed. I gave him some bread and water so he's a little less drunk then he was before

I grabbed my blue bikini and started changing along with conan. Once we were both done we walked out of the room and met with the people around the pool

Billie still isn't out yet so I assume she's still changing

Everyone jumped in the pool except for me. I didn't wanna get in the cold water.

"Oh come on! The pool is heated!" Dani says laughing at my cowerdness

"But I don't wannaaaaa" I whine

Soon conan picked me up and threw me in the pool. I grabbed his arm so he would fall in with me

Once we reach the surface of the water Everyone busts out laughing

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