Chapter 3

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Monicas pov

*After school*

I was in my last period class which was science.We were learning abot chemistry and taking notes about it while Mr.Cirillo was at his desk grading papers.It was five minutes till the bell rang and everyone are making plans to meet after school or have a party. I for one I'm not the party type person. If i do go to a party I'm usally in the corner watching everyone.Anywhore, me and Matt were sharing earphones and talking about the Pantera album that came out last month. When we were done talking about Panteras awesomeness Matt asked me if i was still in on seeing them practice.

"So you still coming over to see us practice?" he aske with a petrified face as if i was going to say after i said yes.

"Yeah.But your still giving me a ride.Right?" i told him as the bell rang and headed towards the door.

"Of course!"

"Okay then lets get going." he lead us to his car and we saw Johnny sitting in the trunk waiting for Matt .

"FINALLY! I've been waiting here for five minutes!" he exclaimed as Matt unlocked the car door and Johnny taking shot gun.

"Johnny your just-wait did you ditch!" Matt told him

"YUP! Physical Education!"  Johnny said happily as if he won an Oscar for ditching class and was swooning the ladies at the after party.

"What about Zachy,Brain,and Jimmy?"

"What about them?" he asked

"Did they ditch too dumdass!!" Matt yelled at Johnny as we stopped at a red light.

"Oh that! Oh yeah they went to your place." he said nonchalantly
"Great now I have to drag their asses out of my fridge and into the garage to practice." Matt said coldly

"So where do you live Monica? Matt told me.

" St 4250" (fake address) i said to him feeling kind of awkward.

"Really?!I live in that same street just like a couple houses down."

"Cool. That's why i hear alot of noise when i get back from school."

"We're really that loud!"Johnny exclaimed Johnny.I nodded in response.

"Yeah.Sometimes its hard for me to study."

"Sorry,about that" Matt told me with a face as to say hes sorry.

"Its okay.You guys are actually really good." I smiled at him thought the rear mirror and he smiled back showing his dimples.

"Here we are."Matt said as he stopped right in front of my house."Thanks.'' I said as i smiled at him. "Do you guys wanna come in?"I asked them as i was halfway to the door.

Matt looked at Johnny."Ill stay in the car."Johnny said waving a hand at me.

"Uh....sure." Matt said as he got out of the driver side and came to my side and walked all the way to my door step.I unlocked the door and shouted for my mom.

"In the kitchen."

"Hey mom, I'm home."

"Yes, i see that.Oh who's your friend?"

"Oh.....uh this is Matt he's Jimmy friend and i guess mine too." I told her with a shaky voice."

"Hi.I'm Matt" Matt introduced himself to my mom.

"Nice to meet you Matt.I suppose that your staying over for dinner."she asked looking at both of us.

"Actually,I'm going over to his house with with Jimmy . You know how Jimmy has a band right.?"

"Of course" she said

"Well,they all invited me to go see them practice.So is it okay if i go." i explained to her calmly.

"Yes!Of course just call when you get there .Okay?"

"Yes mother. We'll be on our way soon,i just need to leave my backpack in my room"I left the kitchen and noticed Matt wasn't behind me anymore.

"Are you coming?" i asked him

"Uh..yes." he said with a sigh of relief. We up the stairs and into my room.I heard Matt mutter a 'woah'.

"Let me just set my backpack down and get few things then we can head out." I told him as in set my backpack on my bed and went to my closet to get my Metallica shirt and got out my Nirvana bag.I went to the bathroom and changed my shirt .I checked the mirror once more to see if my make up was okay which it wasnt.I got some eyeliner on and reapplied it. I checked once more to make sure it was okay. Once I was all done I open the door and saw Matt staring at my 10th birthday party. I was with jimmy that day and some other people from school my mom invited.

"That was my tenth birthday party. My mom and dad got me a bouncy house and a piñata. Me and Jimmy were in the bounce house before all the guest came.we had so much fun back then."

"Sounded like you had a fun time." Matt said as he still had his eyes glued to the picture.
"Mmh. That was the only time I really had a great time with him, but enough about me let's get going or your ,gonna be late" I told him as he finally looked up from the picture. We both exitemy room and headed downstairs and said 'bye' to my mom.once we were outside we could see Johnny sleeping in the front of the passenger seat, which caused me and Matt to look at each other then burst out laughing.

"I guess we better wake him up" Matt said while trying not to laugh .
"yeah" I said giggling. I went up to the car and opened it slowly making sure not to wake up Johnny. I went up to Johnny's ear and screamed.

"Johnny wake the fuck up were here." I shouted in his ear. He woke up in a jump and hit his head on the roof of the car. Which caused me and Matt to laugh even harder than we were before.

"Come on Johnny were here" I said as i followed Matt inside his garage.

"I'm coming. I have short legs you know,not everyone can walk as fast as you Monica" Johnny complained.

"Hey shortshit! Why don't you just shut the fuck up" Matt said in a playful way.

As Matt opened his garage door I saw Zachy and Brain playing their guitar in one corner. And jimmy was talking to Lenna while sitting on the couch Johnny went over to his bass and started tuning it. Matt grabbed everyone's attention by screaming really loud.

"Guys... Guys...GUYS!!!!!!" He screams loudly into the microphone. They all turned their attention to Matt and stared at him. "Let's warm-up" he said as he went to the mic stand. All the guys went to their spots and started warming up. I stood at the entrance of Matts garage door.
late update !! Sorry guys I've been busy and had writers block so I wrote a pretty long chapter,well at least for me😅
The outfit is what she changes to when she goes back home with Matt.

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