Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
•Abby's POV•

"Did you find him?" Luke asked not looking away from Corona.

"Yeah he was just a little upset about his mom." I said as I sat down and looked down at my hands. Luke walked over to me and put his hand on my thigh.

"He'll be fine. I know the feeling and I know you know that feeling too." He said.

"Yes but I still haven't gotten over it. so when will he?" I said putting my head on his shoulder. Corona walked, more like waddle, over to the stairs and started to walk up them. She stopped and giggled. She sat on the step and that's when I saw a ball bounce right next to her. She picked it up and threw it up the stairs. A couple seconds it came back. I walked over to the stairs with Luke close behind. Once I could see the top of them I saw Tate sitting there. He didn't see us. He walked down the stairs and sat next Corona. He stared into her eyes and her eyes turned a soft grey color, they only do that when she is sad. She hugged him and he hugged back smiling. (A/N: the picture is what Corona looked like when her eyes changed colors.)

Very quietly I heard him say, "you remind me of Lilly." Corona hugged tighter. I smiled and walked over to them.

"Tate, why don't you get you and Corona's shoes on and go outback and play. Alright?" I said.

"Okay mummy!" He said in excitement.

While they were playing Luke and I were making popcorn and finding a movie to watch. I got out all the candy we had and put them on the table. Once I was done making the popcorn and setting up the couch and table Luke came back with two movies. The SpongeBob movie and Monsters Inc.

We called the kids in and started the SpongeBob Movie. Corona was cradled in Luke's arms and I was laying on my back with Tate laying parallel on me with his head on my chest. Whenever I started to fall asleep Tate would poke my side to wake me up. I love this boy.

Short. I know. Losing Zayn was like losing a child. I'm still very upset. Also I don't really know what to do with this book. I haven't really been in the mood to write, sadly. I also am going through something mentally right now so yeahhh I hope you liked it.

Love you sooooo much ~ Abby xoxo

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