Two - Peter

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A/N: Hi, so there seemed to be a bit of confusion last time. Last chapter was Tony's perspective. This chapter is Peter's perspective. Another short chapter but I hope you enjoy for now!

TW: Violence (not super graphic nor gory), anxiety about dying, suffocation, vomitting, kidnapping, guns (? Does the Iron Man gauntlet's count? Better safe than sorry)

Chapter Two: Peter

With metal-clad fingers, I clawed the purple hand around my neck. Time slowing and senses dulling for the first time since The Bite. No whirring of Mr. Stark's reactors, none of Mr. Starlord's quips, or even the sound of wind rushing past my ears. All that remained; silence, desperation, and encroaching black.

My clawing slowed down.

My brain fogged over.

Must get...

My arms fell limp and Thanos switched his hold from my neck to my shoulders. Giving new meaning to the phrase fish out of water, I flailed, chest spasming.

Thanos turned my body to face Mr. Stark; his visor up, face red, and reactors at the ready. His mouth moved but nothing seeped through the cotton in my ears. A vein on his forehead protruded and his mouth distorted as he fell back into a squat. Why was he yelling?

"Mr--" I tried to squeak out, voice trapped in my bruising airway.

He looked behind me, eyes wide with an emotion I couldn't pin. Goosebumps crawled up my arm and I screamed as Thanos and I, still in his grip, fell back. As if on the world's worst waterslide, my stomach raised but never fell as red encircled me. Now yes, the only portal I'd been in before was Mr. Doctor Stranger's exactly two minutes before I 'screwed the pooch', as Mr. Stark would say, but this one still felt wrong. His portals were analogous to the window to our fire escape. The worst scenario: humid summer air hitting you after acclimatizing to the apartment's AC. A tad jarring, but tolerable. This is not.

The portal's air was so cold my body attempted to ball up despite Thano's hold. And yet my insides burned. Not in a burned your tongue on ramen, quotidien and forgettable way, but a searing evacuate the whole apartment blaze.

The lights circling us so blinding my eyelids may as well have been translucent, squeezing them shut making no difference. I screamed my throat raw but my voice disappeared into the void. Like those quiet rooms, Ned and I did a physics project on that drive people mad.

Rational thought was long gone.

Without warning I dropped like a stone, back cracking on a hard tile floor. I flipped to my side just in time to vomit, and couldn't stop until only a yellow yolk-like liquid arose. But the sudden sensation return was so swift, hygiene or looking weak in front of an enemy be damned. I reached to wipe my mouth but hit my nose as a deep laugh shook my whole body. Thanos.

I leapt into fighting position and glared as well as I could with the acidic taste still in my mouth. Mr. Stark liked to say I 'look like a kitten' when I scowl, but I tried my best to channel the metal-armed, eyeliner guy from Germany.

"Next time give a guy a heads up. I'll pack some gravol--or come to think about it, we could just chat this out over the phone."

"You're alive? Fascinating." Thanos smirked and strutted towards me.

"Debatable buddy. But the hearts still thumpin'."

With a dry finger, he lifts my chin to force eye contact. I ball my fist, ignoring the urge to slap him. With his size and my bone-deep exhaustion, I'm no longer Spider-Man, but a simple bug he could crush under his thumb. "I forgot how odd you humans are." He says, grinning. "Welcome to my home I wasn't sure you'd make it past the barrier. But you're just as strong as I hoped."
"You know, I'm not really following. So, how about you write down this speech of yours, work out the kinks, and in the meantime, I'll-" I go to turn but he grips my shoulders forcing me erect.

"Relax, little one. It'll all make sense in a moment. You just need to see the light."

He snaps his fingers and my body goes numb. I float upwards, turning until I'm parallel with the floor. I may be mumbling? I'm not sure.

I let my eyelids close and give in to the sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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