My Gay Awakening(One-Shot)

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Jeff's PoV☆

As I was walking down the street I had just burned with Twitch I begin to realize how he is continuously looking back at me.

"Need something, twerp?" I blurted

"N-No.." He replied

I just rolled my eyes


We were still on our way to the mansion but by now we were in the woods. Twitch stopped.

"Why the hell are you stopping?" I asked 《Quite rudely might I add》

"I'm go-ing to ▪︎Ur a gay dinosaur▪︎ sharpen m-y axes. Y-You can continue on *cracks neck* or s-stay ▪︎PIGION▪︎. W-Whatever you want." Twitch had said

"I'll stay because you're weak ass will need someone to help you if you get attacked or some shit." I said, quite proudly.

"O-Okay, 1st o-off ▪︎THERE'S A DREAM INSIDE OF GEORGENOTFOUND AND ITS ALL REALLLLLLL▪︎ I'm not a f-fucking three ye-ar old. And s-EcOnDlY, AWW Y-YOU CARE!! ▪︎GET OUT OF MY HALLWAYYY▪︎" Twerp said.

"I-I DO FUCKING NOT!!" I attacked him, flustered as all hell.

"A-AWW!! YOU'RE B-LUSHING!! ▪︎BACK OFF HES MiNe▪︎" Twitch said, laughing

"I AM NOT!!" I kneed him in the stomach 《it was bc of the way he was laying on him》

"Mhm." Twitch rolled his eyes. He seemed to not notice that I fucking kneed him. Infact, he never seemed to flinch when one of those assholes that we ended up killing stabbed him in his thigh

I pushed the thought away. I'll just ask him when we get back to the mansion.

"Heh." Is all I heard before being pushed and pinned to the ground.

"Wait- what the fuck?!" I yelled. Twitch was pinning me against the ground. "Get the hell off of me, weirdo!!"

I attempted to push him off. But it didn't seem to work.

☆Toby's PoV☆

I smirked. He was pinned up against the ground. I could kiss him right now if I wanted to. I mean, I do want to. I want to just have him cry my name, for him to scream, telling me to go faster.. But I couldn't. Not with Slender's rule of no having sex in the mansion. We were only allowed to go to abandoned houses or houses that belonged to our victems. Not in the mansion. Which I some-what understood.

I looked Jeff dead in the eyes, winked and got off of him.

☆3rd Person☆

《Also, A/N here! Should I start putting like emojis (like flowers, stars, ect.) At the beginning of each chapter or for like PoV changes or even for A/N's like this one? Let me know in the comments💋》

Jeff was a complete blushing mess. He didn't understand why he was blushing though. Or whatever feelings that had just blossomed from just a few minutes ago.

What are these feelings? He asked himself.

He got up and just slapped Toby's arm. "Don't fucking do that again, jack ass.《it fucking auto-corrected to to jackals ass🤣🤣》

"W-Whatever" Toby rolled his eyes. He then walked over to a nearby tree and started hacking his axe at it. Pretty much cutting the tree until it was barely standing.

A few hours later and Jeff thought that Toby's arms should be hurting right now. But Toby didn't stop. Well, he did but that was an entirely different situation itself.

Toby was getting sweaty. I mean, it's a hot summer night and he's hacking at trees. No wonder he's hot.《and yes, I do mean for it to be both ways. Not only is he attractive but he's sweating, which makes him even more attractive (for Jeff anyways😏)》

Toby set down his axes and started to pull off his sweatshirt. Once he was finished he started pulling off the black turtle neck that he wore under it.

Now with his tops off you《Jeff》 could see his twelve pack, his scars and, his burns. Jeff just looked in utter shock and disbelief. He was also flustered.

Wait.. He thought. Do I like Toby?!

Idk Just Idea's IGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora