Why Him (1)

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[Six POV]

Guard: "Why have you taken an interest in this guy. Do you know what this he's done?"

Six: "I know what he's done. That's exactly why I need him for my organization."

Guard: "It's your funeral lady. This is it. He's behind this door."

We stopped right by a large metal door. The guard unlocks the door and opens it. I walk in and see a man in an orange jumpsuit sitting in the center of a patted cell.

Six: "Hello (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "........"

Six: "You know everyone here sees you as a murderer and nothing else."

(Y/n): "........"

Six: "I know the government only allows you out when they need you to do dirty work. But I can get you out of this cell and into something more humane."

(Y/n): "What's the catch?"

Six: "So you do speak. Well the only thing you have to do is join my organization."

(Y/n): "What's the difference from that and what I do now?"

Six: "The difference is you won't be in a cell. You can eat real food instead of what they feed you now. You can have some freedom for once in your life."

(Y/n): "What exactly do you mean by freedom?"

Six: "The only way to know is if you join me."

He stayed silent for a few seconds before answering.

(Y/n): "Alright I will join you. When do I leave?"

Six: "Right now. I have a plane ready to get you out of this place. And you can call me Six."

He gets up slowly. As if he had been sitting forever.

Six: "Follow me."

Guard: "Ma'am he can't leave his cell without cuffs."

Six: "Is that for security or fear."

Guard: "Both."

Six: "He will be fine. He won't try anything or else I can't give him what I promised."

I walk out of the cell with (Y/n) by my side.

(Y/n): "Why?"

Six: "Pardon?"

(Y/n): "Why do you want me. There's a reason I'm kept in patted cell several stories underground."

Six: "That's exactly why I need you. I made a deal with national security so they shouldn't worry about you any longer. But you are under my command so what I say goes."

(Y/n): "Fair enough. So when I'm on the field, what are my limits?"

We get to the elevator and walk in. I push a button and we head to ground floor.

Six: "Depends on the situation, but as far as I'm concerned you won't have none."

(Y/n): "Your kidding."

Six: "I don't joke around. A terrorist organization known as the White Masks has been causing trouble do the entire world for almost a year now. They don't seem to fear what will happen to them. But with you that can change."

The elevator reaches the ground floor and we walk out of the elevator to the outside world.

(Y/n): "So you want me to fight on your side and scare these terrorists." He says as we walk into the private jet.

Six: "I don't want you to just scare them, I want you to put so much fear in them that they look over their shoulders constantly. I want you to scare them to the point where they can't sleep at night."

(Y/n): chuckles "Do you have any idea what you just said to me?" He says as we both sit.

Six: "Yes I do. I'm aware of your past. I'm also aware of your, let's say ' complex mind ' of yours, but like I said that's exactly what I need."

(Y/n): "And what will the rest of you organization think of me?"

Six: "You do your job and I will handle everything else. Gets some rest it's going to be a long flight."

Time Skip After Flight

[Y/n POV]

I couldn't sleep at all. Those damn voices always in my head. I look out the window as we land and see a military base. I wasn't expecting it to be so small.

Six: "Welcome to Hereford (Y/n)."

The jet lands so me and Six walk out. It was the dead of night and many lights shined throughout this place. I followed Six through the front doors and through the halls. After a bit of walking we get to a single door.

Six: "This is your dorm (Y/n). Here are your keys. I will come by in the morning to show you around Hereford, but for now get some rest because I know you didn't get any during the flight."

She walks away and I start to unlock the door. I was expecting there to be nothing besides a bed, but there was a comfortable looking bed, a couch, tv, and more. Guess Six wasn't lying. I see a pair of black jeans, and a black long sleeve shirt. Along with a sweater and a pair of boots on my bed. At least I don't have to be in this jumpsuit anymore.

I change out of my jumpsuit suit and into the clothes and sit in the center of the room just like my cell.

YoU aRe NoThInG yOu ArE nOtHiNg YoU aRe NoThInG

His damn voice is still there. And I thought death would get rid of him.

I couldn't help but laugh. I laughed and cried. I need some pills or something. ANYTHING! WHY IS LIFE CRUEL! WHY ME!

YoU cAnT Be sAvEd YoU cAnT Be sAvEd YoU cAnT Be sAvEd

I know. I know. But maybe I don't want to be saved. Maybe I enjoy this. Heh.

i love pain i love to kill i love pain i love to kill


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