he is a she

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Alfred or
Aisha Al Frieda blanc

'He is a she'
She dress like a boy and on top of that talk like a boy she has short brown hair, one cannot really differentiate between boy and girl when they are young and so gradually, I started to call her Alfred because it matches her personality and it was odd when I call her Aisha in front of everyone they would thought of her as a boy having a girly name

Anyone would think that she is a tomboy type because she also do sword fight and take part in all the trainings just like us

But in reality she is just a slowpoke and also she sometime try to hit on other girls saying 'it is fun' but just like certain someone she really have no talent
She follow girls because they are easy to talk with but if it were a boy she retreat

People think she is a tough girl but honestly *ping pong* she is shy to talk to boys 'sometime'
*ping pong* She dress like a boy because it is comfortable and
*ping pong* She keep short hair because according to her she will keep long hairs after the age of 14

And her behavior...hmm her behavior is just like a girl!!
She always act like happy and funny but when it is me she just act like some spoiled girl
'Tsk explains her hatred'
Maybe She gives me hard time because with William I always shut her up

'But what else do I do she always cut off my dialogue'

'She is different from other girls tough on the outside but inside her.... Is also tough arghh'

She always act like some spoiled brat with me but when she is about to beat up by William she always came running towards me
'What am I, her nanny?'

If you ask then I would want her to be my lover in future
I like her she is clumsy
And I also like her behavior when she only act like that with me only
I like it when she is not bothered when I touch her shoulder or face sometime
I like it that she holds me as her closest friend
I like.. Her everything.

But i can never say that to her she would never think of me romantically
Sometime when she sided with William to diss me I feel like she fancy him but maybe she think of him just as friend or classmate
And also I am not sure what if she is gay

For now I will just go with the flow never let her notice my thoughts
Because I know it can be anyone even William but I don't think she will ever fall for me...

'But for now I want to confirm her sexual preferences of course!!'

"Alfred, are you really gay?"

"Hehh! And what if I say yes? "


"No seriously what gives you this idea I'm just your normal friend haha.. "

I don't know if she is telling the truth but my heart just want to trust this even if it is a lie I want to hope for the desirable future
I don't care whether I'm a friend or not I just want her to hold me precious

".......You are mentally ill to begin with who said you are normal"

"Who said that? I'm totally normal"

"Isn't it obvious haha" I said

"Keep saying no one will believe such a lie"
Alfred replied sulking

"What?! are you pissed little girl"

"I really hate when you talk to me like that I'm just 3 years younger than you"

"What do you think about the invitation from that girl with William?" I said
"Hmm.. I really want to see Will's face when we ask to join them for a play"she replied

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