Chapter 1

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I hung up my apron and placed my name tag in the pocket, grabbing my things from the back. I said bye to my co-workers while flipping the sign on the door to closed and walking out. The cold air sent shivers all over my body so I hurried over to my car. I pulled my hairband out and let my hair fall down in loose curls.

I started up my car and tossed my jacket in the seat next to me, pulling out of the parking lot and driving home pretty quickly. Normally there's a ton of traffic when I get off, but I'm not complaining. I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment building and took the elevator up, fumbling with my jacket to get my keys out of the pocket.

Once the doors opened, I walked down the long hallway to my apartment. I opened the door and stepped in, tossing my jacket on the couch and heading off to the bathroom. I slid down my uniform, throwing that in the hamper and turning the shower on and stepping in. The water was warm and soothing, making my headache fade away a bit.

I cleaned my body and washed my hair quicker than I normally do. I dried off and headed into my bedroom, closing the curtains with only a towel wrapped around my body, falling down to my knees. I went over to my dresser and pulled out my bra, undies, black skinny jeans cut at the knees, and a blue top with a kitty face printed on it.

I slid on a random loose top to dry my hair so my other clothes don't get ruined easily. I curled my black hair and pinned my bangs back in a braid on the side of my head. For makeup, I did a slight smokey eye with winged eyeliner and nude pink lips.

Once I got dressed, I fished out my black flats and all my quirky bracelets. I always had on random rainbow and multicolored bracelets everywhere I went besides work. I stood in front of the full length mirror and fixed my top. It was one of those tops that hangs off of one shoulder and showed my black bra strap on the left side. I then just paired it with a little heart shaped necklace.

I'd have to say, I look curvy like this. I'm fairly skinny but I look bigger now, not any bad thing about it. I don't have a thigh gap, my sides aren't flat and my hips stick out a little more. Plus my bust and butt have a little meat to them. I adore the size I am to be honest, a lot of people dont agree but who cares. I've gained some weight over the years which is better for me, in my opinion.

I picked up my phone and called my friend, Nicki, asking where she was. Her and I are meant to be going out for a bit. She said she was at home and that she would come to pick me up.

I put my phone and my wallet in my pocket and hooked my keys onto my belt loop, locking the door behind me and heading downstairs to wait for her outside. After a few minutes, she pulled up so I hopped in her car. "Hey girlie." She said with a smile. "Hey boo." I smiled back.

"Where we going?" She asked, driving off to find an official spot to park while we decide. "I dunno." I answered.

"Hm. We could go see a movie. Grab food maybe?" She offered and I nodded. "Okay. Sounds good. I'll look up what movies are playing. Where you wanna stop for food?" I asked, pulling my phone out and looking up the nearest movie theater and seeing what's up.

"We could just stop for anything. I think there's a pizza place in the lot the theater is in." She drove off to the pizza place while I'm still looking.

Soon enough we got there and headed inside. I waited next to Nicki as she talked to the cashier and saw a few guys walk in, laughing at something. But one looked familiar. He had bright green eyes, floppy but cool brown hair, and two nose piercings. I swear I've seen him before but I cant place it. Might come to me later.

Nicki handed me two empty cups for me to fill up and she went off to the bathroom. I headed over to the drink machine and started filling our cups with ice and drinks. She always loved coke and I just got sprite. As I went to grab the lids, another hand came in and touched mine by accident. "Oh, sorry." I said as I took my hand back with a slight laugh to it. I looked and saw he was the same one who walked in before. "Its alright." He chuckled.

"Um, are you from Ghost Town?" I asked, reassuring myself if I should have asked. "Yes I am. You've heard of us?" He smiled at me and I smiled wider, covering my mouth in shock. "Oh god, yes. I love you guys. I didn't think I picked it up right away but I knew you looked familiar!" I squealed. He laughed a bit and hugged me.

"Nice meeting a fellow ghost. Whats your name?" He asked and I hugged him back, facing him and letting go to answer. "I'm Trixie."

"Nice to meet you, Trixie. I like your name. Used to have a friend named Trixie."

"Oh nice. Um, can I get a picture?"

"Ha, sure thing." I pulled my phone out and hugged him again, smiling wide and taking a selfie with him. His smile was killer, too. I still got that feeling that I knew him from somewhere, though. I recognized his name from somewhere, and not from band reasons. But it could also just be shock that I met Kevin "Ghost" McCullough but I dunno. This is so cool!

"Well it's nice meeting you. I'm gonna go eat now, ok?"

"Okay. Nice meeting you too." We smiled at each other and he took his drink over to the table with the band. I cant believe this!

TORN (a Kevin "Ghost" McCullough Fanfic) *short story*Where stories live. Discover now