Chapter 9

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A/N: Heyo. We're headed to Potions class in this chapter! Hehehe. Guess who's Potions master :P Pony shirt to the right or above XD Laurbear out!

HEY I AM HERE. IT IS MARY. I've been super busy and all but once I've eliminated sleep time slots have opened up so yay!


Potions Class Part 1


I wake up to someone smacking me with a pillow and groan, opening one eye to see Lauren with a pillow. "Come on Mary. Take a shower and get ready to go to breakfast. We also are getting our schedules and we have to get there early. Hurry your lazy arse up!!" She tells me, slipping into a British accent.

"Geez Lauren. We've only been in England for a week and you're already getting the accent," I laugh, sitting up and slipping my feet into my fuzzy kitten slippers that my mom got me. I'm very punk rock.

Oh, speaking of my mom, I wonder where she went or what happened to her. I've kinda put Hagrid telling me she's missing to the back of my mind and now that brought it back up. I brush it back to the back of my mind and shuffle over to my trunk, looking through it to find some clean robes, some black ripped skinny jeans, and a pony shirt (A/N: HEHEHEHEHEHE. Like Ashton's pony shirt (; ). Plus clean undergarments.

I head into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door, and take a ten minute shower. I get dressed into my clean clothes and wrinkle my nose at the robes, tossing them over my head. Crap! I forgot deodorant!!! I head out of the bathroom and dig around in my trunk for my deodorant stick. Speaking of deodorant. I really need a new stick. I finally find my deodorant and put it on, throwing it back into the messy trunk after putting the top back on.

Lauren and I head out of the dormitory and head down to the Great Hall for breakfast, retracing our steps from last night. We get there earlier than when breakfast starts and sit down at the Gryffindor table. Michael walks in and waves at me while a few owls come flying in bearing some papers. I glare at him until a snowy owl lands in front of Lauren which makes her smile like a big dork.

"Hello Shadow!" She exclaims, "What have you got for me?" Odd name for a snowy owl. She scratches under Shadow's beak and she hops off of the four papers. Lauren unties them from her leg and rubs over Shadow's head. Shadow nips her fingers affectionately and takes off, leaving the stack of paper behind. Lauren unties the papers from each other and looks at the top one. "This is my schedule and this is the way the classes are going to work each day. That means the other two are yours," She says, handing me the other two papers. I look at them and groan.

"Why do we have two classes with Slytherin in a row today before lunch? First Potions and then Defense Against the Dark Arts. Good lord. I like school, but today is going to be hell. Then after lunch we have History of Magic with Ravenclaw and Charms with Slytherin again. Ugh!!" I groan, looking over our schedule.

We have most classes with Slytherins. Sometimes there's a mix of houses though. Herbology is with Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday so that's alright. We'll get to see Avery at least. Lauren shakes her head and stretches.

The food appears on the table and I grab a bowl of "Wizard-O's". I guess that's the magic version of Cheerios.

I decided not to go too crazy with food this morning. My stomach's in knots and I'm a bit annoyed, but still hungry. I eat my food rather quickly and see Lauren finishing her food as well. We head back up to the Gryffindor tower and grab the stuff we need for Potions. We head back down and from what I can tell on this schedule is that the Potions room is in the dungeons. Great. We still have a while to find the class. We get down to the dungeons and find the place where some Slytherins are waiting.

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