The Fall Of Hells Heavenly Dancer Part 3

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Angel narration- The smoke filled the air until the ceiling could no longer be seen, all that was left were visions of my life... I was born in a rough time in American history. my sister Molly and me had been born a year after world war 1 started. of course back then it had just been called the great war. as a kid I never understood why it was called the great war. there was never enough food due to all the rationing for the war. even for a family like mine who had money. mom always did her best to make due tho. it wasn't very often us kids would go hungry but there had been times when mom did just so my sister, brother, and I did have something. a few years after the war things got better for the most part. me and Molly had always been stuck to our mother's hip. the other kids would call me a mamas boy but I didn't care our life as a family was good.. for the most part. dad was always sort of cold to me not so much my sister but he loved my brother to death. my brother was strong and more like a dad than any of us. Molly was his little girl who could do no wrong and me? I was the fuck up. he always said I was weak and wouldn't last a day in the family business. I always said to him that waste management as he put it shouldn't be that hard. he would just laugh and say I would know better one day when I was older. as I grew into my teen years people started noticing I was different. while most guys my age wanted to play baseball like Babe Ruth, I wanted to sing like Marilyn Monroe. when I told my pops I wanted to be a star like her he got mad, real mad.. he beat the shit out of me. not like a punishment beating but with his fists. when Molls and mom saw me they freaked out. dad said I fell down the stairs and my brother backed him up. if I had opened my mouth it would have just gotten worse. after that, I avoided him as much as I could. not too long after that molly let me use some of her makeup and he walked in. he told Molly to go downstairs and to send my brother up. he and my brother beat the shit out of me real good. the whole time I was being beaten and kicked to the ground pops would call me a queer a failure and a faggot through the whole thing. back then I didn't even know what those words meant. I learned real fast what they did mean tho. for nearly 2 years after that he would set me up and force me on dates with as many girls as he could. the last girl I dated we became good friends. what my old man didn't know was the whole time I was on these dates with her we gossiped about our friends and talked about boys. after awhile she brought her brother along and we would all just hang out and listened to the radio or go see a cartoon in the theater. the few months we hung out had been great but what I couldn't tell her that I was starting to get a crush on her brother. one night the 3 of us had gone to the movie theater. after a few toons I couldn't take it anymore I had to know. so I kissed him right there in the dark theater. he looked at me for a moment then slapped me as hard as he could across the face. he called me a few choice words took his sister and left. I stayed behind in the theater for a while until I was the last one there. heartbroken and scared I walked outside. it had turned to night and under a street lamp, he was waiting for me. he told me he was sorry for how he acted and was just surprised. he took me to a back ally said he had something to show but what he had to show me was him and 10 of his buddies beating the shit out of me. I woke up the next day in the hospital with my old man standing over me giving me death glares. I must of look pretty pathetic cus all he did was yell. by the time I got out of the hospital, it was past my 18th birthday. pops said I could either join the family business or get the fuck out of the house. I chose to stay and it turns out waste management meant mafia and mom, Molly didn't know. after that things were pretty good between us 3. I got real good at making moonshine and for once my old man had been proud of me. I had respect, money, and power. I even found a little speakeasy for people like me. I had been going there for months. it was the same most nights. drink, chat a little flirting. nothing ever really came of it till the night He walked in. he was tall, dark, handsome, had a deep southern accent, and could lift 3 barrels of booze over his head like it was nothing. it all started easy with idle chat. he moved from the south to join his brother's business. he was in a mob family like I was tho he would never say which one. after a few weeks he asked me out on a date. I was surprised. it was the first time anyone ever asked me out and of course, I had to say yes. he took me to a booth in a little hole-in-the-wall place I'd neva heard of for dinner. it was nice the food was good and we talked for hours. I nearly died when he held my hand. I knew he was bigger than me but at that moment I realized how much. his hands were massive and his arms were thicker than my whole body. I was a twig and he was more like the whole tree. we went to the place 2 or 3 times a week for months and the longer we went there the more looks we started to get. after a year of going there, he kissed me. I nearly fainted right then and there. he said after dinner he wanted to take me somewhere special. we never did get that dinner. suddenly 5 or 6 guys showed up at the table. told us to get out or they'd make us. he said no and stood his ground. I was scared I told him we should go but he said that this was our night and he wasn't leaving for shit. the mob replied by throwing a chair at him. it shattered on him like it was glass and he didn't even feel it. they punched him kicked him spat in his face and he just took it. they couldn't do anything to him so they turned their attention to me. I had so many hands pull me out of the booth. I knew what was coming. the same thing that always came when people found out I was gay. the beating. I tried to fight them off but when I got to the floor I just shut my eyes as tight as I could and waited for it to start. the first punch came knocked me right in the eye. then nothing happened. I waited forever but nothing else came. when I finally built up the courage to open my eyes I saw him there, beating the ever-loving hell out of someone. I heard a shot go off and froze. I thought I was a dead man. before I could think anything else he scooped me up off the floor threw me over his shoulder and bolted out of there like our lives depended on it. they chased us for blocks. their aim was shit and we finally lost them when we ducked into an ally way. we collapsed behind some dumpsters he was trying to catch his breath and I was nursing my black eye. damn thing never did heal all the way.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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