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A small craft, dropped from hyperspace, above the current location, of a certain 'mothership'. As the pilot tried to reach his destination, a

'spotlight' shown with an emblem made of the pilot's 'name'.  The craft docked with the larger, and the 'pilot' said, " Seriously, ' Bat Signal ',

'BAT SIGNAL'!?", asked the 'pilot'. " I thought, I do it to 'greet' you home.", said the insectoid Captain. " Did it EVER occur to you, I'M TRYING NOT

TO GET NOTICED, BY THE EMPIRE!", said the pilot. " Well, we are in 'friendly' territory Razz. ", said The Captain. " How is the family?"

" Well, Kreeto. My cousin is now Sheriff. My Russian relatives, are doing fine, considering their 'settlement' just got massive inoculations.

As, for myself, I got myself the inoculations.", replied Razz. " Well, The boss' 'old boss' wants a word.", said Kreeto.

" I'm thinking what you're thinking.", said Razz.

Ord Mantel

Razz stepped into the bar, and spotted..., " Cid." " Dax Razz. Knew you would show up. Come on, 'time sensitive' mission for you.", said the

female reptile. They stepped into the office. " The Empire, is developing, 'super speeders', to be given to the local law groups here.", she

said. " And, it would be, ' bad for business '.", said Razz. " That's why I needed you, you catch on. There's two prototypes. Swipe one.

Don't care how you pull it off.", said Cid. " Consider it done.", said Razz. 

Ord Mantel, South

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Ord Mantel, South

The Southern Hemisphere, claimed the Empire, is more or less a 'testing ground' for their surface base projects, An Imperial Officer,

in his Black Uniform, smiled seeing his dull Grey creation, zip around the makeshift 'track' at the highest speed possible.

" I am certain, The Empress would be most pleased.", said an aide. " Most assuredly. Considering, The 'Old Empire' wanted Mass Forces,

to maintain order. This, is the solution. Swift, very little, time consuming, justice." said the inventor.

STAR WARS, NIGHT DAGGER, THE RETURN OF DAX RAZZ.Where stories live. Discover now