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A disguised Razz, arrive4d in short order, to the testing grounds. On his way there, were junkyards and jumkyards, of old speeders, ships, and

droids. He made his way, past the checkpoints, straight to the track. He took a seat in the bleachers, pulled out a set of folding binoculars,

and seen the beginning of another test run. ' This is, 'problematic.' ', he thought, seeing the droid driver 'zip' his way flawlessly around the

track. ' WWWWaaaaiiiitttt, a minute.', he thought. He put away his spy glasses, and made his way out.

He took his own speeder, to one of the Junkyards. There was a speeder an almost exact copy, of the super speeder, under a tarp.

" If you're looking to buy, I sell to NO IMP!", said the Toydarian owner. " Well, how about a trade? 'Libations from a world not even touched by,

the Empire?", said Razz. " I need to see and taste this first. ", said the Toydarian. Then, razz went to his Speeder, grabbed his 'trader bag'

and, pulled out a bottle of Vodka. The Toydarian put a shot glass on his counter, as Razz, poured the sample.

The Toydarian moved his head aside, as he drank. " SSSSMMMMOOOOTTTTHHHH"!", he said. " All right. Give me two bottles, and you take

the 'trash'.", he said.

Razz had it towed to a private garage, to which he repaired and 'modified' it. Then, that evening, Razz made his way into the testing garage,

switched out the speeder prototype for the 'other'. And, driven away with the actual.

It was the day of the 'test', and Razz, arrived in the 'prototype' and parked nearby, if anyone could recognize that from the actual.

He took a seat, to watch.

STAR WARS, NIGHT DAGGER, THE RETURN OF DAX RAZZ.Where stories live. Discover now