Frozer 'Lukanette' Style

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*Author's note*
Ok, so this is an alternative where the Frozer episode happens AFTER the Silencer episode. I realize not very realistic to the episode timeline but hey, you never know. Besides, I'm team Lukanette all the way! Enjoy!

Ladybug and Cat Noir save a man who wasn't akumatised but just needing help. He was having a hard time with his new aerial delivery business and decided to rethink it.
'Don't forget your bouquet sir' Cat Noir said as he stole a rose from it.
'For you m'lady' he said as he presented the rose to Ladybug.
'Cat Noir,' I can't accept that. I told you that I have a crush on someone else. But I also have a bit of a troubled heart at the moment.'
She sighed. 'There is another guy who also cheers me up whenever I'm feeling down'
'I understand. But if he weren't here, would things be different between us?'
'Maybe' Ladybug replied. 'But I wouldn't know for sure until I know how he feels. Anyway gotta go. We're about to change back. Bug out!'
'Bye m'lady' Cat Noir said sadly as he went back to fencing class and transformed back into Adrien in the empty dressing room.
'You certainly take your time Mr Agreste!' his teacher said sternly but Adrien's head wasn't in the game today. Kagami beat him with ease. She met him in the dressing room.
'Adrien, I like to win but not when you make it that easy.'
Adrien sighed. 'Do you ever feel like you're stuck Kagami? Like no matter what you try things will never change?'
'Adrien, the biggest mistake a fencer can make isn't choosing the wrong technique. It's choosing the wrong target. Change targets' she replied as she sat down next to him. He smiled and gave her the rose and walked her to her mother's car. And then went to his own drivers car.
'Well Casanova,' Plagg said back at home. You going after Kagami now?'
'Maybe. She is a beautiful girl. I just don't know how to proceed.'
He wanted to ask his driver, Nathalie and his father for advice but thought they probably wouldn't know about this kind of stuff.
'I'll ask someone at school tomorrow' he thought.
The next day Marinette wasn't watching where she was going and bumped right into Adrien before school began.
'Oops, sorry!' she said then looked up. 'Argh!'
'It's okay Marinette, I didn't mean to startle you!' Adrien began. 'I actually need your advice on something. Can we talk?'
'Advice, from m-m-me?!' she replied.
'Yeah see there's this girl I Iike' Adrien began.
'A girl? What's she like?' Marinette replied as she smiled awkwardly.
'Very pretty, she has dark hair and deep and mysterious eyes'
'Do I...know her?'
'Yes, she's....Kagami'
'Kagami?' Marinettes heart broke a little.
'What do you think I should do? Marinette? Marinette?'
'The ice queen?' she said quietly.
'Huh?' Adrien replied.
'The ice...rink! No better place to break the ice than the ice rink!'
'I'd be too nervous to go by myself' Adrien said. 'Would you consider coming too? You could bring a friend along too, it would be less awkward!' Adrien smiled at her.
'I don't know how this could be any MORE awkward.' she thought now knowing that she was just a friend to Adrien.
But she just couldn't say no. 'Sure, no problem!' she said through gritted teeth as she smiled back.
'Great! Meet there tomorrow after school!' Adrien said as he got up and walked away.
'See you then!' Marinette waved as he walked away.
'Ugh, why did I agree to this Tikki!' she asked her Kwami.
She went to hang out on Juleka's house boat with Alya and the girls from her class. She told them what she had agreed to do tomorrow.
'Girl you gotta get out of this ASAP!' think girls quick!'
'Tell him you're sick?' Alix said.
'Tell him you're visiting someone in hospital!' Rose suggested.
'Tell him you gotta go to a concert' Juleka mumbled.
'Tell him you gotta research an assignment for school!' Mylen said.
'Actually I don't think I want to cancel. I mean he's my friend and if he wants my support I should give it to him. Besides, there's nothing between us...'
'What do you mean?' Alya said.
'There's everything between you actually!' Mylen said.
'But if he likes Kagami, who am I to stand in his way. I want to be happy for him and support him. Maybe it's a sign we should just be friends, right?'
The girls were silent for a second and then half were saying no, she should still go for it and half were saying that she should just be friends. Then Juleka mumbled something.
'What was that Juleka?' Marinette said.
She mumbled again.
'What?' everyone said at once.
'My brother really likes you!' Juleka cried out and put her hand over her mouth as soon as she said it. 'Sorry, I wasn't supposed to say...'
'Ooooooohhhh!' the girls all turned to Marinette as she blushed bright red. Alya saw this and cries out:
'And maybe...she likes him back!' she says excitedly.
'Do you have any juicy goss for us to validate Juleka's claim Marinette?'
'Well, um, when Kitty Section got that record deal he kinda declared his love for me.'
'WHAT!' they all cried out together.
'Details girl, details!' Alya prompted her.
'Well first he said it to me akumatised so I wasn't sure but afterwards when he was himself again he told me the same thing.'
'What was it?' all the girls said excitedly.
'Let's see, he said, "You're an amazing girl Marinette. As clear as a musical note and sincere as a melody. You're the song that's been playing in my head since the day we met.'
The girls all stood there, their mouths open in amazement.
'How long ago did this happen and you're just telling me, your best friend NOW?' Alya cried out. 'Maybe just forget about Adrien girl! If a guy said something like that to me I'd be going after him in a heartbeat!'
'Really, Luka, you think I should?' Marinette replied.
'You obviously like him Marinette.' Mylen said. 'I have seen the way you blush whenever he looks at you.'
'Maybe I should... I need time to think.' She opened the door and started to head towards the top deck.
'Wait, not up there!' Rose was about to yell out but Juleka covered her mouth and winked. 'Luka's up there'
'AWWWWWWW!' the girls quietly said to each other in unison.

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