A Funny Way to Die

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A man in green was running away, far away. He knew he did them wrong he knew the penalty was death. But he didn't want to die A man in green was running for his life he knew what he did was wrong he shouldn't have betrayed them. The penalty was death but he didn't want to die so he kept running until he was caught by two men. "Please I have a family" he shouted to the two men as they started to tie him up.

The man in red had the guy pined on the ground and was tying the guy's hands and feet together. He stopped and looked at the guy then felt around in his pockets and said "huh that's odd, I can't seem to find any fucks anywhere. Let me call my give a fuck bank right quick." He turned to his accomplices and put his phone to his ear and said "ring-ring"

The guy in blue immediately knew what red wanted to do and put is the phone to his ear and said: " hello this is blue and thank you for calling give a fuck bank how my I help you?"

"Ah yes I wanted to see how many fucks I left in my account. I have a man here that needs me to give him a fuck" red said quickly

"Ok, sir let me check your account right quick. Unfortunately, I have to put you on hold right quick so I hope you will enjoy our jazzy toons. Boop" blue said as he pretends to press a button and type. Red started to pretend to jam out to some jazz music while the guy in green was scared and confused

"Ok, sir I am sorry to say that you don't have any fucks in your account," blue said in a sad voice while giving a little smile.  "Not even a little fuck?" Red questioned

"No, not even a little" blue replied with a smirk on his face. Red slowly shook his head and look back at the green and said "well I don't have any fucks left to give you" and with that, he knocked the guy out and he was never seen again.

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